4'o DireElions forgetting andkeeping in Hearing and Reading : fodo in all your Medita- tions of trod : Sodo in your feafting on the fleth and blood of Chrift at his Supper. Efpfcially im- prove the happy opportunity of the Lords Day wherein you ma¡r whollydevote your felves to this work. And I allvife Minders and all Chrifts Re- deemed ones, that they fpend more of thofe days in Praife and Thankfgiving, efpecially in Commemo- ration of the whole work of Redemption (an a d not of Chrills Refurre&ion alone ) or elfe thev will not anfwer the Inftitution of the Lord : And that they keep it as the mail folemn day ofThankfgiving, and be briefer on that day in their Confe(lions and Lamentations, and larger at other times ! O that the Congregations of Chri t through the world were fo well informed and animated, that the main bunefs of their folemn A rnblies on that day might be to found forth the high IPraifes of their Redeemer ; and to begin here the Prailes of God and the Lamb, which they malt perfeft in Heaven for ever 1 How fweet'a foi eta tie of Heaven would be then in thofe folemnities I And truly, let me tell you, my Brethren of the Miniftry; you (liould byprivate Teaching and week-day Sermons fo farther the knowledgeof your people, that you might not need to fpend f> much ofthe Lords Day in Sermons as the molt godly ufe to do : but might bellow a greater part of it in Pfalms and folemn Praifes to our Redeemer. And I could wiíh that the Minulters of ,England to that end would unanimoufly agree on fome one Tranilation of the Englifh Palms in Meeter,better then that in common ufe, and if it may be better then any yet extant (net neglecitng the poetical fweetnefs under pre- tence