Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 411 tence of exaft Tranflating) or at leaft to agree or the beft nowextant : (the London Minifters may do well to lead the way) left that bleffed part ofUods folemnworfhip, should be blemifhed for want either of Reformation or Uniformity. And in my weak judgemenc, if Hymns and Pfalms of Praife were new invented, as fit for the Rate of the Gofpel- Church and Worfhip (to laud thó° '.edeemer come in the flefh, as exprefly as the workof Grace is now exprefs) as David; Pfalms were fitted to the for- mer Rate and infancy of the Church , and more ob- fcure revelations of the Mediator and his Grace , it would beno finful humane Invention or addition ; nor any more want warrant , then our Inventing the form and words of every Sermon that we preach, and every Prayer that we make, or any Ca- techifm or Confefionof faith : Nay , it may feem of fo great ufefulnefs, as to be next to a Neceflity. (Still provided that we force not any to the ufe of them that through ignorance may fcruple it.) And if there be any Convenient parcels of the Ancient Church that are fitted to this ufe, they should de- fervedly be preferred. I do not think I digrefs all this while from the fcope of my Difcourfe. For doubtlefs if Gods ufual folemn worfhip on the Lords Dayes were more fitted & directed to a plea - fant, Delightful, Praifing way , it would do very much to frame the fpirits of Chriftians to Joyfulnefs and Thankfulnefs, and Delight in God : thenwhich there is no greater cure for their Doubtful, Penfive, felf-tormenting frame. O try this, Chriftians at the requeft of one that is moved by God to importune you to it ! God Both pity you in your forrows ! hut he