Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

411 VireEtionsfor.etttng andkeeping he Delighteth in you when you Delight in him See Bfay 58.14. compared with Zepb.3 ,17. And if fin interpole and hinder your Delights , believe it , a Cheerful Amendment and Obedience is that which will pleafe God better then your felf-tormenting fears. Do not you like that fervant better that will gocheerfully about your world, and do it as well as he can, accounting it a Recreation and will en- deavour to mend where he bath done amifs , then him that will at every flep fall a crying, O I amfo weak rcan do notbine aau I fhotild.' An humble fence of failings you will like; but not that your fervant fhould fit l}ill and complain when he íhould be working ; nor that all your fervice fh could be per- formed with weeping, difpietnefs and lamentati - ons You had rather have your fervant humbly and modefly cheerful, and not alway dejefted, for fear of difpleaing you. O how many poor fouls are overfeen in this I You might eat ly perceive it even by the Devils oppofition and temptations I He will further you in your fell-vexatio ns (when hedowot keep you in fecurity and prefumption,butin amend- ing he will hinder you with all his m ght. How of have I known poor paflionate Creatures, that would vex and rage in anger and break out in unfeemly language, to the disquietingof all about them ; and others that woulddrop into other the like fins, and when they have done, lament it, and condemn them felves;and yet would not let upon a refolute& cheer- ful Reformation I Nay, if you cta but reprove them for any fin,they will fooner fay,lf I be ro bad,God will condema me for an Hypocrite ; and fo lye, cane in dilquietnefs and diltrefs ; then they will fay, Ifee my .fins