Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 413 fin, and I refolve to refijJ itand Ipray you warn me of it, andhelp meto Watch againff it.So that they would bring us to this pafs , that either we tmufi let them alonewith their fins for fear ofTormenting them,or elfe we mull caufe them to lie down in terrors. Alas, poor mifaken fouls ! It is neither of thefe that God cals forMill youdoany thing fave what youMould do ? Muft you needs beeteemed either Innocent, or Hypocrites,or fuch as (hall be damned ? The thing that God would have,is this;Thatyouwould be glad that you fee your fault, and thankhim that fheweth it you, and refolvedly do your belt to amend it , and this in faith and cheerful confidence in Chrift, fly- ing to his Spirit for helpand victory. Will youpleafe the Devil fo far, and fo far contradic`I the Gracious way ofChrift,as that you will needs either fin (till, or defpair ? Is there not a middle between thefe two? to wit,Chearfull Amendment ? remember that it is not your Vexation or defpair, but your Obedience and Peace that Goddefireth. That life is molt pleafing to him, which is molt fafeand fweet toyou. If you fay (1111, You cannot delight in God : I fay again ; Do but acknowledge it thegreat work that God req°ásireth ofyou,and make ityour daily aim, and care, and bufinefs,and thenyou will more eafilyandcertainly attain it. But while you knownot your work, or fo far miftake it, as to think it confifteth more in for- rows and fears ; and never endeavour inyour Duties or Meditations to raife your foul to a Delight in Cod, but rather to caft down your fell with Rill poaring on your miferies , no wonder then if you be a ftranger to this life of holy Delight. By this timeI find my felf come up to the fubjea of