414 DireElions for getting and keeping of my book of the Saints Bell ; wherein having faid fo much to Dire a and Excite you , for the at- tainment of chefe Spiritual and Heavenly Delights, I will refer you to it, for your help in that work ; and add no more here , but ro defire you through thecourfe of your life to remember , 1 hat the true Love ofGod in Chrifl, anddelight in him and Thank- ful, Chearful obedience to him, is thegreat Work, ofa Chriflian, which God is bell pleatedwith, andwhich the blef ed Angels andSaints(hall be exerci fed infor ever. AndO thou the BleffedCod of Leve, the Father of Mercy, the Prince ofPeace, the Spirit ofConfolation, compofé the Difquieted ßiirits of thy People , and the tumultuous, disjoynted flare of thy Churches ; and pardon our Ralhnefs,Contentions,and Blood-guiltinefs, andgive us not up to the flateof the Wicked, who are like the raging Sea, and toWhom there is no Peace ! Lay thy command on our Winds and waves, before thy fhipwrackt vef el perifh : And rebuke that evil i7nrit whofe name in Legion, which loath po(fefed fs great a part of time Inheritance : Send forth the ffiirit of ?ud$ement and c l/teeknefs into thy Chur- ches, and fave to from our Pride and Ignorance with their e f fens : And bring our feet into the way of Peace, Which hitherto we have not known. O clofe all thy people jfieedily in loving confultations and earnefl enquiries after `Peace. Let them returnfrom their :Corruptions , Contentions and Divifions, and jointly feed{ thee, asking the way to Zion With their faces thitherWard : flaying, Come,let us join our(elves to the Lord in a perpctssal Covenant that (hall not be forgotten : Blall all oppofing Policies and Powers : Say to there Dead and Dry bones, .Live. And out of 9° the, e