Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 415 there Ru¡nef do thou yet ereEl a City ofRighteoufnef, where thy People maydell together in Peaceable ha. b;tations ; and in the midfl thereof, e4Temple to thy N:>linefr : Let thecJl'taterialf of it be Verity and `Pu- rity : Let the Redeemer be its Foundation : Let Love and Peace cement it into unity : Let thy Laver and Covenant be theDoors ; and Holineff to the Lord be engraved thereon ; that buyers and fellers maybe cafl cit., and the common and unclean may knot their Place ; and let na defolating abomination be there fit u, : But let thy People all in one Name , in one Faith, With one mind, and onefoul, attend to thine In- flruflionf, and wait for thy LaWs , andfubmit unto. thine Order, and rejoyce in thy Salvation : that the troubled fl`iirits may be there exhilerated, thedark en-° lightned and all may offer thee the facrifice ofPraife (without difaf fetlions, difcords or divisions :) that fe thy People may be thy Delight , and thoumayefl be the chiefefi Delight of thy People ; and they may Plsafe thee through him that bath perfe&tly pleated thee. Or if our expetlations of this Happineft on earth be too high, yetgive AS f o muchas mayenlighten our eyes, and heal thofe corruptions Which effrange us from thee, and may propogate thy Truth, encreafe thy Church, and honour thy Holinefs, and may quicken our defires, and flrengthen eta in our way , and be a foretafle to Ns of the Everlafling Refl. FINIS.