'or eader, ,THat I may remove what was offenfive by rea- fon of their mirconftrucction , whoeither read my lines with uncharitable fufpition, or in the dark, where the plaineft Enclifh is undifcernable ; I have left out in this Impretlion all thofe paffages about perfeveranEe,which were offenfive,and all other that any man hath(tome)excepted againfl,and therefore I may well fpare the Apologie before annexed. Thouga I difown not hereby the plain truths before expreffed, yet i have reafon for this alteration, be- caufe I write for thy good , and therefore may well lay by that which occafioneth thy hurt , how innocent foever; Though I will not Deny the fmal- let+ truth to avoid offence, or hurt , nor forfake it in my Mind : yet will I forbear divulging ir ; for that is but ufing it : And it was .not made to be ufed for mens hurt; and even the accidental hurt mutt, as far as may be, he avoided. 2. I may pof- fibly more feafonably deliver my thoughts in fo many, and fuch words as may be lefs liable to mil-- underftanding, then filch brief paffages on the by. 3 . The fame things are plainly delivered already in many writings : as Dollrinally in the Synod of Dort and Praftically improved ( among many others ) by that molt Judicious, Holy, Powerfull, fuccefsful PreAcher, Mr. William Fenner, in divers of his (though Pofthumous impede& yet ) excel- lent Works. Lake Idez.i4. Glory to God in the H igheft , on earth Peace, Good will towards men. Ecelef.i a. i 2, t 3,14. Ofmaking many Books there is no end : andmuch itucis, is a wcarinefs to the fle(11, Let us hear the onclufion of the whole matter : Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole [Duty] ofman,8zc. For God thall bring every work into ju4ement with every fc- act thing, whether it be good, oi whether it be evil.