Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

8 DireEtions forgetting and keeping words, and Scripture, and Reafon, may fomewhat refill it, and may palliate or allay forne ofthe effects at the prefent ; but as foon as timebath worn off the forceand effedsof thefe Reafons, the diftemper pre- fently returns. For the Humour bath the advantage, i . Of con- tinual prefence. 2. Of a more neceffary , natural andfenfible wayofworking. As ifa man be in an ealie Lethargy ; you may awake him fo long as you are callingon him aloud, but as foon as you ceafe, he is afleep again ; Such is the cafe of theMelancholy in their forrows For its as natural for Melancholy to caufe fears and difquietnefsoft-1141de, as for Phlegm In a Lethargy to caufe ileep. Donot therefore lay the blame on your Books, Friends, CQunfels, Infirudions (no nor all on your Soul, ) ifthefe Troubles be not cured by words. But labour to difcern truly how much of your Trouble .comes this way, and then fix it in your mind in all your Enquiries Reading and Hearing, that it is the other part of your Trouble which is truly Rational, and not this part of it which is from Melancholy, that thefemeans were ordained to remove (though God riay alfoblefs them extraordinarily to doboth.) Onlyconfiant importunate Prayer is a fit and fpecial means for theCuring of all. 2. When you have truly found out how much of your Difquietnefs proceeds from Melancholy, ac- quit your foul from that part ofit : Still remember in all your felf-examinations, felf-iudgings and re. fleaions on your heart, that it is not direâly to be !charged, with thofe forrows that come from your Splep fave only remotely, as all other Difeafes are the