Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

lo )ireElions for getting and keeping never any was in theCafe as they are in,or at leaPP,ne . verany that were trulygodly; whenyou hear people ofthe molt upright lives,and that tuuly fear God, to have thevery fame complaints as you have your felt, it maygive you forcehopes that it is not fo bad as youbefore did imagine. However be fure that you avoid folitarinefs as much as you well can. 3 . Aifo take heed of too deep , fixed , mufing thoughts ; ftudyingand ferious meditatingbe 14ot duties for the deeply-Melancholy (as I gall thew more in the fol- lowingDirections;) You muff let thofe alone till you are betterable to perform them ; fell by attempting thofe duties, which you cannot perform, you fhali utterly difable your felffromall ; Therefore I would advife you, by all means to íhake and rowfe your felfoutoffuch mulings, and fuddenly to turn your thoughts away to fomething elfe. 4. To this end, be fure that you avoid Idlenefs andwant of imploy- ment : which as it is a life not pleafing to God; fo is it the opportunity for Melancholy thoughts to be working, and the chiefelc feafon for Satan to tempt you. Ñever let theDevil finde you unimployed but fee that you go chearfully about the works of yourCalling, and follow it with diligence ; and that timewhich you redeem for fpiritual exercifes, let it be molt fpent inThankfgiving, and Prayfes, and Hea- venly Conference. Thefe things may do much for prevention, and abating your difeafe, ifit be not gone too far : buz if it be, you were bell: have recourfe to the Phyfitian, andexpe& Gods blefling in the ufe of means and youwill find, when your Body is once cured, the difquietnefs ofyour Mind will vanifhofit felf. The