Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

20 V ireE1ions Prgetting and keeping eafi.e terms ; but only the flubborn defpifers of his Mercy :lie damneth none but thofe that will not be faved in his way ; that is, that will not accept of Chriil and falvation freely given them (I fpeak of thofe that hear the Gofpel ; for others, their cafe is more unknown to us :) And is it any diminution to his infinite Mercy , that he will not fave thofe that will not be intreated to accept offalvation ? 2. And confider how long he ufeth to wait on (inners and even befeech them to be reconciled to him before he deílroyeth them : and that he heapeth multitudes of Mercies on them even in their rebellion, todraw them to Repentance, and fo to Life ? and is it unmercifuhiefs yet if fuch men pe:'iifl ? OGjec. But ifGod werefo infinite in Mercy as you fey, Why doth he not make all thefe men wil- ling, that fo they may be faved ? Anfiv. God having created the world and all things in it, at fir:;, did make them in a certain nature and order,and fo fiablifh them as by a fixed Law: and he thereupon is their Governour to govern every thingaccording to its nature. Now mans Nature was to be Principled with an Inclination tohis own Happinefs, and to be lead to it byobjet`s in a Moral way, and in thechoice of means to be a free agent, 'and the Guider ofhimfelf under God. As Governour of the Rational' creature, God doth continue that -erne courfe ofRuling them by Laws, and drawing them by ends and objeas , as their natures do re- quire : And in this way he is not wanting to them : His Laws are now Laws of Grace, and univerfal in the contour ofthe free Gift td Promife : for he bath there