Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and comfort. 27 impenitent unbeliever that is that you are dead already ; or elfe hemull delude your underftanding, to make you think that Chrifl diednot for All ; and then I confefs he bath t fore advantage againa your faith and comfort. DIRECTION VI. 6. The next thing in order to be done is this : Get clear appreben cons of the the freenefs, fulnefs and uni z'erfa- lity o f the f ew Corvenant or Law of Grace. I Mean the Promife of Remifiion , Juílification, Adoptionand Salvation to All, fo they wil believe. Noman onearth is excluded in the tenor of this Co- venant : and therefore certainly you are not exclu- ded : and if not excluded, then you mull needs be included. Shewwhereyou are excluded ifyou can You'will fay, But for all this, All menare not Jufli- Red and faved : Anf..True, becaufe they will not be perfwaded to Accept the Mercy that is freely given them, _ Theufe that I would have you make of this, I will thew in the next.