Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 3 t you pray for and_ are troubled for fear left you shall mifs of it, even Chrift and life in him ; this would prefently draw forth your Content, and that in foopen and exprefs a way, asyou could not but difcover it, and have the comfort of it. Remember this then, That your firil work is to Believe, or Ac- cept an offered Saviour. You mutt learn (as I toldyou,) to Receive the Comforts of Univerfal or General Grace, before you fearch after the Comforts of Special. Grace. (I here fuppofe you fo far found in the doctrine of the Gofpel, as peither with fomeon one hand, to look fo much at Special Grace , as to deny that General Gracewhich is the Ground of it, or prefuppofed to it : nor with others, fo far to look at univerfal Mercy, as to deny Special.) Satan will tell you, that all your. Duties have been done in hypocrifie, and you are unfound at the heart, and have not a dropof faving Grace : You are apt to entertain this, and conclude that all this is true : If I had any Grace, I fhould have more Life, and Love and Delight in God more ten- dernefs ofheart, moregrowth in Grace : I Ihouldnot carry about fuch a Rock in my break fuch a, ftupid, dull, infenfiblefoul, &c. At the prefent let us fuppofe that all this be true yet fee what a world of Comfort you may gather from Univerfal or General Mercy. I have before opened to you four parts of it in the Caufe of your Happinefs, and three in the Effeft, which mayeach ofthem afford much relieftoyour troubled foul. z. Suppofeyou areyet Gracelefs, is it nothing to you that it is a God ofInfinite Mercy, that yoú have todo with ? whofe Compafiions axe- ten thoufand times