Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 39 Willyou remember fhis,whenyour doubts are great eft and you conclude that certainly Chrift is not yours, becaufe you have no tree Grace Suppofe it be true ; Yet hill know, that Chrift may be yours if you will; and whenyou will. This you have when youcan find no Evidences of true Grace inyour felf. So-much for that Direction. DI REcTION VIII ga The next thing that you have to do, for building up a íaable Corn- fort, and fetling your' Corìfcience in a folid Peace, is this , Be fure to get and keep a right Vnderftaaidin& of the Nature ofSarvinn Faith. S you muff have right thoughts of the Cove- nant-ofGrace(ofwhichbefore,)thewant there, ofdoth puzzle and confound very many Chriftians ; fo youmull be fure to have right thoughts of the Conditionof the Covenant. For indeed that Grace which caufeth you to perform this Condition , is your Rirfi fpecial Paving Grace , which you may F 4 take