ronnted thehappi~r mltn ·~ nor will any wife man fo account himJ Oh Sirs, one would think, that to rn~n that have re:1d and heard · what we have done. and have had that experience which we have . 11ad, thcfe things flwuld be plain and pafi all quefiion ; ana that fpiritual, heavenly' everlafiing things ihould be confeffcd by us all to b_e th~zt gaodpart that ihould po!fefs all the fervent D.eiires of t he loul. - Buc oh t'hat we eould fee the Truth of thisBelief in the choic~ of your wills; and the .'dtift of )OUr endeavours. If God would ~p~n your eyes and ihew you things as they are, and fave you horn your wilful blindnef~, you would then fee wh'ichjsthe bmrr Jart, ~nd yo?would ~eaihamed that ev~r you fhouid make any .quefbon of 1t. That 1s the ,r;oed part, whtch beareth themoH:live· ly Image 6J G~d, wbich is goodnefs it felf, yea which poffcffeth 1/IJ of this·good : That is thegood p~trt which will make us good, and :not that which deceivetb us and makes us worfe: That i~ tbe goodpart which the-wifefo and beft men judge to be fo, yea which: God bimfelf doth judge to be fo; and not that which the-moil blind del~ded fir:lners do judge the bdl : That is the gQod•parc which is befi at lafi, and wh ich is an enduring Good, and not · , that which perifueth ,in the ufing , and flyeth from us when we l1ave greateft need ; That is rhegood part which all men will fay is good in the Concluflon, which the wick~d thernfelve!l ·that are nowof another mind, will {Onfefs at lafl: to bet he beft ; and not that which is comrnended onl y inprofperity, while the frenfy or dream of fenfuality do rh beguile men , and which they will all · cry out againfi atlafi. If-you would knowwhich is rhe befi p:m, .. rakecounlel of Go·d, and fee wha·t he faith,, arrd ask·men of wif– d-om and of greatefi experience_, that have tried both , and men that haveft li id the end, and feen what fleilily pleafures; and pro.; fl-ts and honours can do for t:bem : For· h.ow can men make fo· ' ' trl;le a }udgement that donot either ftayth.eend, or elfe f oref ee the mdby faith.? Do not take their judgemenrs that are drunk with their fenft1al delights; and that wtll confefst-he!y mufi repent themfelves, and therefore confefs.tbey muft be of another mind: Take not their judgements that neither have feen no_r yet fo refce theend . the wodl is yet to come with them : Thetr fiates and· minds a;e near a change : The day is near when they 'Trill fay, . rhat heav-tn wtU the better p~rt, and be convinced by panifommt a !hat~~uld ~~-t ~ c~~~ir.~~~ by _inft~uaim~ .