ahove them•. Another faith, Cannot yeukeepyour Religion to your frlfe ; and· be Gadly with moderation, tU your neighbourJ 6e ? Ano– ther faith, I hope God u mere merciful then to damn all that 6e mt fa precife. A?other faith , I./hall ne11er endurt fo flriCl a life, and therefwe 1 WJ/l venture tU wrll.uothers. Thefumme of all is Th~yare fo far in love w~rh the world and !in,an_d fo much againfl a holy life, chat they wtll not be perfwaded to tt; and therefore to quiet their confciences in their mifery, they make themfelves believe that thej may be faved without it , and that it is a thing of no Neceffity, but their coming to Church and living like good neighbours may ferve the tttrn withom it, for their falvation. And tht:ts dorh the malicious Serpent, in the hearrs of rhofe that h'e poffefferh , rife up againfi the words of Chri£1:. Chrifi faith that this is The One thing needful : And the Ser~-:enc faith, It u more ado then needs: and what needJ a// thu ado ? Though I have fully anfwered this tmgodly objeClion already in my Tredtife of Con'IJerfirm, jeCl. 36. pag. 284. &c. and more fully in myTreati[e of iteft, Part 3. Chap. 6. yet I fhall once more fall upon it. For . df.fth is coming, while poor deluded fouls are Ioytering : and if Sa?:in by fech fenflefs reafonings as Ehefe, can keep them unready in th~ir fin, till the fatal firoak hath cut them down , and cafl: them into endlefs eafelefs fire ; alas, how great will be their fall? and how unfpeakably dreadful will , be their mifery ? Whofver thou he,whether high or low, learned or unlearned, that hafl dif– Jiked, oppofed or repro01.ched fer_iomgod() Chri.fti41U, as Puri– umu, and too .precife ; and that thmkeit the moft diligent la~eur for falvlltion £0 be but more ad, then neeJJ, and hafi not thy felf yet refolvedly fet upon a holy life, I require at thy hands fo much impartiality and faithfulnefs to thy own immorcal foul , as feri– oufly to perufe thefe following QQefiions, and to go no further in thy carelefs, negligent, ungodly courfe, till thou arc able to give fuch a rational anfwer to them, as thou darefi fiand to now at theBarr of thine own Confcience, and hereafter at the Barr of Chrifi. ~efi. I. Canft thou polfiblygive God more then iJ bu due ! Or love himmore then he deferveth ! Or ferve him more faithfully then theu art bound, and he uwurthy of ? Art thou not-his crearure ? made of nothing? and baH thou not all that th~rq art and hafi from him? and if thou give him all, doft thougive himany more tlilen what is his own ! If thou give him all the affections of cby foul,