Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

. C74 Y -nither \1/e' be · rich or poor, welj or Gck' in credit Or 'in co·n~ · te~p r: ! wh~rherwe_ !aughor weep ! When our part will l?e fo qurddy acted, and we mufi go naked out of the world. as we Game into it. For /fJ ./hort·a time,a poor.habitation may ferve the turn , as well as the mo!tfplendid Palace :.A painful obfcure afflicted life, may do;as well as the mofi plentiful provifions and t·he greateft eafe a.nd. worldly honours. . The purple and fine linnen, tHe filks andbra very will be.foon forgotten ; and the foul in Hell will be nomore the better for them, then the rotten car– .k.afe in the gra-v·e. The tafie of the delicious meats -anddrinks will quickly be forgotten : -and fportful youth will be turned into cold and languidage : and the mofi confirmed:healrh into doloJ. r.ous flcknefs ; ·and mirth and laughter into mournful groans~ And is fuch a tranfitor)'life·as this , more worthy of your c-are and greateft diligence, then Hfe eternal?. would think that: the worldtha~t you mufi beever, evt:r in,.fhou·ld never, · never be forgotten !. X:herc is tbe company that you mufi live with for e.11er: There is the fiate that .you fhall neverchange : There is the Joyor Torment that fbalt have no end ; andwhile you fo-rget it~ you are pofiing to it, andare alrnofi there. A:nd can y<>u be too Ctflreful for eternity ? . . ~eft. 12. . Confider alfo ~ilt the infi'nite {oyes of Heaven, And t.tll me, Whether thou doft thi!Jk, they are not worthy the greateft CQft (JJ' painMhflt thoH ca,nft be at to genhem ? DoH: .thou think that: Heaven is flOt worthy of the labour, that is beflowed for it by t_he holyefi Saints onearth ? Will it.not requi.te them·to the full '? '\Vill a.ny, that comes thither repent that theyobtained it at fiY dear a rate ?: If now thou couldfi fpeak with one of thofe Be– lievers, mentioned in Heb. I I. that livedat ftrangerNmd pilgrim./ en earth,; abetter, evena heavenlyCountrcy; that prefer– re4 the reproach of Chrift before the trcafure·of the world, and ' chofe ajfi.iction.with the people of God, before the p!eafurts of .fin · fer, a fell{on, that were tortured, not accepting dtlii:~eram:e, that they might receive a better refurreElirm; that had tryal of trHel WJ6ck.:'" i.t;.[.s and fcourgingJ ,,. and of bindi and imprifonmmts , and were flonea,[a'Wn.,a(under, tempted, Jlain with the [word, wandredabeut · in foeep- skjns, andgoat-skJt~s, being de.ftitute, ajfliHed, ~nd torment.. ed, thou1,h ·mmof whom th~ WfJrld was nt~t worthy: Would any o_ne of thefe now t.ell you, tha[ they did or fuffered. too muchfo~ }leaven ? Or was not wor~h ten thoufand wne: more ? It- -- - ----·· ----·- -- ------·----- -~·---· --·------···- . th · . ·.-. X