Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

,~~f ;11 [/zinft m 11 kjng hv;fte to heav:n, andgein$ {o faflJn the w"Aye1 ofGod that bath loytercd already tJll the evemng of hu dayes, and/oft fo muchtime~ thouhaft deme 1 If thou hadfi begun as foon as thou 'liadll: the ufe of reafon, and remembred thy (~reator in the day~; of rhy youth, and never !of\: .an hour of thy ttme fince then ttll now thou hadfl: done no more then what thy God, thy foul, and all right re:afon requ-ired. of thee !".For furely he that made thee, bath in wifdom proportiOned thy tune to thy work, and bath not given thee an hou~ too· much. A long life ~s 1horc enough to prepare for everlafhng: And thall a loytenng Rebell that bath walled fo much of his little: time, cry out, What needs fQ muchado? ' ' ~ft. 2.). Is it not the grdcelc]s miferable fort of men, thv~ c' 'eryr;ut, What needs all this ado·? Certainly it is : For Scripture, :and Reafon, and Experience tell us, that atl that are,godly,are ot anot-her mind: The more gra-ce they have, the more they would have : The more they love God~ the more they would love him~ · The more good they do, the more they would do. Do you not fee how they labour after more grace ?' and hear how ·t hey com– plain rhat they are no better? 0 how it woul9 glad them ·to be more Holy and m01;e Heavenly !It is-therefore the jh·angers and drfPifers of grace, that never knew by experience, the nature,and power, and fweetnefs of it, that fay, It is more ado then needs. And is·it not a·mofl: tmre~~.fonahle thing for am~n that hach m fa-· vinggrace andholine[t a~ all, tO cryout againfi extefs of holinefs ? And for a mm cha~ is in, the captivity of the Devil, and ready fuddenly to drop into Hell, if death do but !hike the fatal blow,· before he be regenerate, to talk againfl: doing too much for heaven? And for a man that ne~er did God one hours pleafing fervice, · ( Heb. I I.~·) to prate againfl: ferving God too much? 0 ·poo t wretch ! were thy eyes but opened, thou wouldfl fee tha·t of any · man in the Town or Countrey, ~his language ill be'feemeth theeQ : When God'hath been fo long·offertded; · and thy foul· is almofl: · loft already, and death and hell is hard at hand, ·and may fwal– low thee up iwendlefs defperation for ought thou knoweft; before thou hafl: read this Book to the end', or before thou fee another, year, or moneth, or day, isit time fGi' fuch aone as thee to fay'~ ~hat needs(o much ado ~ One would: think i~ there be any life m rhe~~ thou fhouldH: ft1r as for thy life: and tf thou have a-voice. · !Q.,-cry ~ dwu fuould~ .cry out ~~ ·Qod ~~th day and. ·nig~t -· m