Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(8o) in tb~ fervour of thy f~u1 ~ even now while mercy may benaa~· Jcfi ttme !hould over-fitp thee, and thou be fh~t up in the place of torment : If Hell-fire wiU not make thee fi\r , What will ? Should a weak Chrifiian .that is .c.aO: be~ind hand by his negJj... gencr, but once fpeak agamO: a dtltgent hfe, he were exceedingly too blame. But for thee that art yet in the gall of bitternefs, and themifery of an unregenerate fiate, to fpeak againfi holy dili– gence for falvation, when thou art in fuch great aL1d deep diO:refs and like a man that is drowning, or a houre on fire, that mufi prefently have help or perifh; this is amadnefs that bath no name fufficient to exprefsit by; which its a wonder that a rational foul fhould beguiltyof. ~efi. 2.6. Art thof!t not afraid of fomt fudden vengeance from tke Lord, for thus m~Jkjng thy[elf hiJ opm enemy, and ctmtr~tdiCling ht~ trJ huface? ~arkhu language, and then mark thine. Chriit fatth, [Enter in at the ftrait gate: For wide is the gt~te, and IProad i1 the way th~tt..Jeadeth to deftruEUon, and many there be which !,9 i,. rber'eat: becau{e ftrait u the gate, and nttrrow u the Way , which leadethuntolife,andfewthere bethatfindit.] Matth. 7. 13,14. [Strive to enter in tflt the jfraitgate :for m::ny, I fay unto yoNJ -will feek enter in, and fhall not be able.] Luke 13. 24... [Set then that ·)t w~tl/zcircumfpeClly (or exactly) not .u fools; but tU wife~ re– duming the time.] Ephef. S. I 5, r6. [For I fay unto you , that exceptyour rightcoufnefs exceed the righteoufnefs of the Scribu a,nd Pharife.r. ye fhall in no cof[e enter into the Kingdom of heaven.] Matt h. 5. 20. [ Wherefore bruhren,giveall diligence to m11k.; your Cll/li,igand Eleelion fure.] 2 Pet. I. 1o. [ W.;r/zout your Jalva· tion with fear and tremblin.r,.] Phil. 2. I 2. [Seeing then allthefe things /hall be dilfo!ved, 'What manner of perfom ought ye to he inlfl./l holy converfation andgodlinefs ,lookjng for and hafling to the &oming of the dflJ ~f God. J 2 Pet. 3. I I, 12. LAnd if the righteom Jcarce .. ly be Javed, where Jha!f the ungodly ~Jn'd the fi.nner ~tppear. J I Pet.' 4 · I 8. [ L11y not up for.Jour [fives .fl treafure on earth,&. c. but laJ up for your (elveJ atreafure inhea'Yen, &c. For where your treafure i:!, there will ;our hearts be alfo.] Match. 6. 19, 20,2 I. [ Sui:._ Jirft the Kingdom (If God, and his righteoufnefs] Matth. 6. 33. LLabour not for the meat that perifbeth, but for that Which endttreth to everlafring life. J John6. 27. [The KingAlom of heaven Juf– ftrerh violence , and the vi()/ent t•t k! it b] force.] Matth. I I. 12. [ Knowyenot that they which run in~ race, nmall, bHt one recei- . verb