Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(94) till things, my Brethren~ .{wear not; neither bJ hetr.vm, ~eithcrl-•y: the earth, mr by any other Oflth ;. btlt let )OUr Ye.t In Yea, cmdyo11r J:,:•q, Nay, l~ftyou fdlinto condemrJtztion. J Epef. 5. 3, 4· [ Bt1ot jol nication and all mu;leanncfs or covetottJ,~efs, let it 'nut once 6e named ilmongft you arber;ometh SaintJ : Neither fi!thynefs, nor foolijh talkJng, norje~zjli~o1g , which are not convenient but rather .'{,iving of th:mk.:,r. An hundr~d fmh p:rtffages of Scripmre I migbt n:cite, rhac might qu ick ly fatisfl~ you: what God expett– eth, and wbetber it be too mu,:h precifemfs to fear the fin. · ~ · 8. But perh2ps it is the rigtJr of t,heir {h#rch di(cip.l;ne that .maketh you offended wich thofe tba·t youcount too pure 11nd pre~ cif'e : bec:lufe tb t '\7 wiil not let other men tJ!orte but are rerrovinrr . f C J ) 1 c':> them, and bringir.Jg tiJertJ to open penitence and tonfeffiMzof their open fins, and cafting thofe uut 9j' the Cl}mmunion of the Church, which do reft4(e it. AMfw. But dot hey do this of tbemjelves, or ,cloth God commftnd it them ? Do you ' d1ink that rhe CtJmmunion (J.f :Saints, is to be turned into ~l r.1bble of impiety ! and the Church into a fwine-j}ye . ? Do you not know that che Canons of rhe ;u~~ tient Churches for many hundred years afrer Chrift, are Hrider: in this Difcipllne by far, then thofc that now offend youby their ,fl: rictnefs ? And hear what: he Holy Ghoft faith, Lew-. 19. 17. [Thou /halt not hate thy brother in thy hMrt ; thau foalt in atJy w;je rtbHk.! thy neighbour, arid n&t fujfer fin upoH him. J Matth. 18. :r), 16, 17. [If thybrothertrefpafs a!!,.1inftrhee,grJ and tellhimhis [.111ft 6etween thee and him tJ./one: if he hedr thee, thou haftgained thy brother. Bllt if he will not hear thee, thm ta~f with thee one Qr two more, th:zt i11 th~ mouti!J uf t'Jt'O or three witnej{es every word may be efltJbiijherl : And if be foal! negle[f to hear them, tell it un– to the Church; but if he neglect tQ hear the Church, let him be tmttJ thee as an Heathen man or a PuG!ican. J I Cor. ) . Fr;r I verily M 11.b[ent in body but pr'e{ent in /P irit, h,;.ve judged11lrudy M though I . were pre/ent ~oncr:rning him thttt' h.ath d1me thu deed , that in the name of our Lord {ef:.u Chrift when ye are gathered together, and my jpirit, with the pvwrrof our Lord t~lm Chrift, to deliv,·r fuch ll one to S tttan , for the deftruEl irm of the flefh , thilt the fpirit may be f~eved ip the day of the Lord [e/P.J -- K nowye not that a little IMven leaveneth the wlnle lump? PNrge out-therefore the old ha– ven -·NoW I have ·written toyoumt to ksep compa'IJ , if PI?J} mrm tb~tt is crz/lcd a hother be a fornicator, or C(lV(teffJ) Qt •U! id~ltl- · · · - - · ·· ... (fr,