Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

A Saint et aBrute." . sfl;jh!y w6rldly lift, then I will be of your ~incl. But if theY · all as with one heart and mouth do cry down fin, and cry up Ho– linefs,why fbould you then refufe theirTeflimony? Are you wifer then·all rbefe? ·· · · . 2 . What think you of all the godtr ahle M~'Nifter.r of Chrift · that are now alive, or ever were? Are they not wifcr then yrm, and a few drunkarss that have fcarce wit enough ro do the Devils · fervice without fuch fottifimefs as fbamts his caufe? Have none . ofChrifis Minifters, that fpend their days in fiudying and fearch- · ing after knowledge, more wit even in the .matr.ers of God, then a carnal Gentleman, or ignorant malicious wretch, that never· ufed che means for Knowledge a.s thefe have done ? 111 any other matter you will al!Gw mc:n that have made it the fl:udy of their · lives to know more then you. If you want counfel for your./fates, you~l · go to one that bath ftudifd the Law. If you Jick. you . will fooner fe.ekadvice<>f one that bath made it the bufinefs- of. his life to underftand difea.fes and remedies, then to one 'thaE · never fiudied it. You'l fooner take t:he judgement of every · tradefeman in his t·rttde, then your rnvn or .anothers that never learned ir. Allow but chpfe men to be competent witndfes that have bent their thought~ and protyers .and cares this way, and . the controvcdie is refolved. For what is it that all our Sermons plead for butHolinefs in order to Ever/afting Bappinefs ?What ilf• it that fo many thonfand Books are written for ,but for Holinefs? · Open the Books of the wifefi men, and fee which fide it is that. they are on ? Go to the wifefi ablefl: Minifiers, and aske· them , which is rhe better part ? . j. If Wifdom fuffice not, let theheft ancl honefteft men be wit- . neffes. Who better then Chrifi, then his Apofiles, then all the hply Martyrs and Confeffors of the Church, and all the Do• . ctors and faithful Minifiers of Chri£\:? which fide think yom were they on that laid down their lives for the caufeof Chrifi?fure they that would rather hturi at a fiake, or fuffer all the fcorns and tor- - menrs of -the world, thc:n forfake a Holy heavenly life, did rake it to be better 'then all the pleafures or profits of the world. Sure · a.ll1he holy Dod:ors and Pafiors of the Church that lived fo ~Holy hves ther:nfe~ves, and fpent their days i~ I?raying,. and watching, and medmumg, and preparing for the hfe to come, contemning aH of the worls, did think that this was the Better - · 0...,.~ . - ··· part:, .