Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

I'J'i :~J: SAint or A Bruu: Part Ir. jP~re then that youwill fhortly die. And you are not-fore but it may be to morrow. And while you are here, it is nothing worth rhe naming (but what bath reference to another life) that you do potfefs. What have yotl to your f.1efh, but meat and drink ~n dDtep, and Iuit, and fuch kind of beafl:ia\ delight~ ! Which i; 1s bet!er bewithout, then ha7:1e, if we could ~tlfo be withom rhe 11~ e d of th.em. ~an you call thefe by the ria_me of Happinrf! , vmhouc renouncwg your Reafon an.d Expenence ? You fay , , Yrm k._r<ow not what Ged will do ffJr you hereafter: But you know what fin and rhe world will do f.or .you here : Even Nothing hUE Nold you in a tr~nficory dream, and then difmifs you imo rottennefs and d1<1ft. If you were n(jt certain of another life, as long as you are moft certain of the vanity of this, doth not Rea– fon tell you, that a Pojfible EverlafiingGlvryJ fuould be prefe~ ·re~ before a Certvzin v.anity ? If you were not Jure to get any t hmg by God and a Holy Life, yet as long as you are {ure, even as fure as you live, th<at ybu can lofe nothing by it, that is worth .the talking of, is not the cafe then refolved, which way is t ~e · .li.etter 1 If you fay, youfJ;alJ lofe your flefoly pleafurcs; I anfwer, 1They are not worth the having. The pleafure cloth not counter– vail rh~ trouble : no more then the delight of fcratching (as [ faid before) doth c:oun.rervail the trouble of the itch. Modera– tionand temperance is fweeter then excefs. If too muchbe Yetttr then enough, and that which hurteth -nat~re better then that which helpeth it., then felF4eftroying and fighting againfi your bodily welfare, would be be.ft,. Is not a temperate meal more plea· · Iant rhen a glurtonous furfer, that is worfe eo the feeling of the glutton the next day ? Is not common food that coiteth not much, and kindleth no troublefom itch in a mans appetite, more pleafat1t then enticing cofily dainties ? Is not fo much drink as nature requireth, mu<::h becter then that which makes the fiomack fick, the braiawitl(fs , if not the purfe pennylefs , and breedetb manynoyfom difeafes to the fle£h , and haHeneth death • ~hat hafieth of it felf? .. By that time the gawdy apparel , the damty fare, and drink is paid for ; andby that time. the Bdhbath fuffer– ec.t all that pain and fickn~fs thati are the ordinary followers of rexcef$, me thinks you fuould fay , that if there were no Hell!) yonr fin were a pt.mifhment it felf, and that irt thh life it brings m.ore pain then pleafure ,_pnd that fuch kind of ple~~re is not WQrt~l .th~ ~ecping ~ ,~~ !h~ p~~~~~ pf !~~ !e~~ Po~~1~1ty ~f an · !)ver~ '-~-" • • ...J