~· isS 'A Slllntsr dBrute. Part Tr; the Truth of. all the Doctrines which they atte!(, and confe. ·quemly, we fhall add to our humane Faithand Knowledge a Divine faith concerning the Hiftory it fel( .· · . ) ~ · Object. 3. Btd (faith Writer) I( God bad meam that the 'scripture .fooN!d h~ a Law to all, he wouLd not have -writ it in .::1 tangnt~ge which they underftandnot? J .Anfw. Any thing will ·ferve to make an Infidel, when the mind i! corrupted and deplorate. Were they no Law.i which the: Romans wrote in Latin, for the Government of all the Nations of the Roman World? It was enough that the Rulers tJ/ the Prcvinces cauf~d them ro be {o far underfiood by the People as was necdfary to a righteous Government. I mean, thofe .Laws that were added to the proper Laws of that people. · 2. W~s there any one L•mguage then that all the world un.; derfiqod ? And w:~s it not enough that God appointed the Mi·' · nifhrial Office purpofelJ to prefervcand pubLifh this Gofpel to the world from generati<;>n to generation? And is not Tranjl?lting (whether by Voice or Writing) a part of that preac-hing or .explication? .Did not the Minifiers of Chrifi preach the fome doUrine to the world then, in ~evrral languages of the Naci– "nswhere they came ? And were not the Scriptocrs prefemfy tranilatcd according eo the ufe of the Churches ? Upon how J.illy a pretence then would your filly Imperial Majefiy impofe it on the God of Heaven , to write his word .in as many Languages as are in the world, if be would be believed? rlc trouble you withno more fuch wretched Cavils: Thefe t1u·ee are the main ftrengtb of thrn Pamphlets written againft: the HolyS'cripturoand rm, by this Apoftate. Their fum is [Man u mlln: thertforc we are not fure that Scripture is true, er that God u God: J I mean [Men c~tnnot underfhmd the minds of others but by figns: Alljigns 1vhether Words ()Y deeds,have fame am!Jiguity, or l]~tblenefs to mifunderftanding; there{9re nothing cart be k._nown concernina- Godor m~tn by jigns. J Thefe are not his words ; but the true (cop~ .and life of all the Writings of him and all rhe Infidel - ~~~ . . . If you chide m.e for troubling the {hriftianReader b~re. Wtth fo m!lch againfi the lnfide!Jand Brut;fts: I anf\ver, 1. I dtd 1t be– ca~afe that fort increaJe, and threaten the Land. 2. Becauf~ the flrent;thening of the Belief o£ the befi ChrifHans , . is the remo– ~i~g the Caufe ?fall ~hei~ ~ye~knefs and corop1am~.. 3: An 11 d : ..:nnClpa y