Part 11;· ~ 'Silini or 4 Blute> i )9 ·· principally, becaufe when once the certain Truth of an~therLife is manifefied, be mufi be a .Bedlam or wode that ~tll not be Godly, , or that. ~ill open h1s motath any more ag~mf.t a Holy . Life. Whz.t ! ts tt poffible for a ~ober man to Bel1eve t~ac he is fo n€ar an Everlaftint, (o..y tJr Mifery, and yet to neglect tt,and oppofe them that their chiefefi ~are and labour w prep$re for it? The Brutift hath droWned hts Rea[on ·; and the care~ lc[.r taid·it to flee~;' the Malic16UJ u~godJy Profe~or.of Chrifliantty fight! againft '! : and only the £tnomHoly Chrift•~m · · dorh ufe ic for his.Everlalling gqod • . CHAP. ·· 'l Vi REader' if t:hou be bti~ a mati that haft the free ufe of thy . reafon',T have already removed the greatefl: impediment out of thy way, and faid enough by confuting thy Infidelity, to prove tha t godlinefs is the Better: part• .Thou hail: nothing left nt;)\lq toJay againfi it,but what figbt eth againfi Kea{on in the opmlighr, · and therefore Hb~\l Hqd an eafier cask with thy ·underfianding in all.that follows, though with thy corrupted Will and Concu"' · pifcence the conflitt yet may be as flrong. Well ! if yet thou art not refolved , that Diligent Serious GoJline[t u that,qood part that all /hould chqofe ,andbette_r .then·Ill!: ,' thy -r~orldly plea(uru, I fiull now difcover it to thee in thcfc par- · ticulars. . . I . l fuall fuew you that Godlinefs is Beft for all Societiu.. ·2. That it is .Beft for ever~ Pfr{on. ' And t.ha.E I. It is-the fafrP way.,• 2.Itts:t~e Ho;ufleftway. 3· That tt ts the mojf g;Rinful way. 4· ThatJt 1s the mofl HonoHrab!e way: ·and 5.That it is tthe ·,~ ·<. PleAfont and Delightful way. Yea, that there is ·no other true Safety, Homjly, Profit, Honour o~· Delight but what is to be found in this way. Il.ay nor only all the reput acion ofmy lilnderfiand- . ing, ?ut a~l the hopes and ~appinefs o~ my fmal upon the proof of.tht!J pomr. IfI prove .tt not,-· I l_Vtll confefs my felf a fooL. and undene. for ever. }3u~ tf I prove 1t~ let the ungotlly make-· !his