PatfU1 • this f~d Confeffion, and choofe the Betterpart while they may have tt. . I. And firfr, That Godlinefs iJ the Beft for all focieties,(chat are Jufi) rprove thus. . I. God!inefs dot!:; Vnite o~ Center all Societies 'in the of;tyHead audCenter of V,ntty; that u, the B_lejfcd God himfe!f. A Com– mon-wealth wtll never have Peace m a fiate of Rebellion aoainfr tbeir Soveraign, (unlefs he be one that they can overcome:) Nor Souldiers in a·frate ofM~ttinJ ·againfi theirGeneral: nor Schollars . in fhutting out their Mail:er • . God is the only Soveraign of the whole world. The godly all unite in him. Ungodlinefs is Re– bellion again!l: him. The Rebels are alwayes in his Power. There is no Peace nor fafety therefote, nor any Unity, but an Agree- . ment in Rebellion for a. while, to any that are not by Holin~fs united in him, and Loyal fubjects to him, Ifa. 48. 22.. There is no Peace, faith the Lord, unto the -wick.fd. J · Object. Bat JrP 'tiC not fee tht~tt the main Divi(i.ons of the -world ~are llbout Religiov? .Anfw. I. Its true; but not by the truly Re·. li[}Ms. The great quarrel of the world is againft Religion in the life and practice of ir. · 2. It is unholy men rhat cannot abide . to be accounted unholy, that are the chief dividers. 3. Among the truly Godly, there is no divifion in themain, but only diffe– rences about the frnaller Branches of Religion, which are Nu– me.rom, and le{s d;fcernable, and lt[s necejfary then the common Truths. They arc all Agreedof Truth enough to bring them to Heaven. and therefore enough to unite them in dear Affedion ' . upon earth. Nay there is not one of them thJt harh not a fpcciallove to all that he difcerneth robe the fervants of the Lord. If a·ny be without this, he is ungodly. And we are not to anfwer for rhe mifearriagcs of every I~fiael or untodly man, that will ptn on the Name of Chrifli(mity and God!inefs. If there fhould be fallings out among the godly, they cannot refi till they are healed and fet in joynt again. But you muil: not tben be fo unjufi as eo conclude, that we can have no Vnity, till we are in all things of . a mind. May not men of various complexions bt of one So– ciety ? Are not the multitudes of Veins and Arteries in your · Bodies, united in the trunks and roots ?l t not the Tree one, that ·bath many branches? · ObjeCt. But God whomyou wilt nad.s unite in, isfP~rfrom tulln~ ku