• ~t~ 2--. .AS1.lnt er ,c Bruu. . Part -Ir.· would not fehreak their peace. What is there ,for ·Societies ro ilrive.aboat, when the hlone of contention is taken away, and Godhn(fs bath·caft down the Idol of the world, that did difiurb them? 4· Godlinefs tt~k!s down thegreat difturhing and dividing Prin;. . cip/e in mans foul ; and that u, StljijJmefr: And it both command– tth an,/, W()rkphfelf-dmyal.Every ungodly.man hath aprivate End and aprivate Spirit, and Jntereft, that is dearer to him then any other, So many ungodly men as there are, fo many Ends and In– tereOs : And how then can there be a Pofiibility of Unicy? TlH~ wifefi Law~gi~ers co1:1ld never yet contrive an effe<frual courfe for t he uniting of all thefe. If Sel~jhnefs were down, I fcarce know what fhould..trouble the peace of Kingdoms; Citie~, Families or .any other Societies. Thou /halt love thy neighbour a~ thy f;lf ': ~ Or, [Thou/halt not covet] is the fumme ana conclufion of all the Law of God., concerning our carriage one to ·another. And it is Godli~ifs and ~othingelfe that perfect_ty tear;heth:. and trulj : (though uDperfed:ly here) tjfeCleth . thts Self-den]nl: (But of t his elfewhere: ) · · · . S. Godlinefs h11th the moft perfect Right'eom Laws ; and there~ . fore u beft fo'¥' all Sorieties. If God can make becter Laws then man, then ,this is pait all qt1efiion. His Laws requ4re nothing but what is for mens good . They prefcribe nothing that is difhonefi or unjuit : They promife the greatefi Rewards to the obedient: , They drive on the ba-ckward by ·the ·.rhreatningof the gr~atefi:. punifhments . ~Their Authority is .highdt and :mofi unquefl:ion– able. They all .proceed from one abfolute Soveraign, and are rhe fame t·Oall rhe people of the world : They change not ·, but are to endure to the worlds end. Whereas all the Laws of men, are limited to their own Dominions, and endure but while their· power can enforce them.Tbey ·are fubject to errour and inju{{ice; and are not the fame in one Coumrey as in another ; or in one age , as .in the former : and their Rewards and pnnifhmenrs are bm temporal : and therefore though under the L(lws of. God, they are nefeffary -f?r the Government of -C?mmor:-wealths, yet without GodJ Laws they would be utterly mfu:ffictent. · 6 . The wayofHelinefsi&contrarytoatlEvil -wh~ttf?ever. , and· t ktrefore bath nothing to aiftur.b 1ft Common-wealth : It IS true, we· €annot fay fo of the perfons,. becaufe they are but imperfeetly fa:nctifi~d • .Were they in .all things/uch .as th~ir L§rd, and l?Hie ;' , . and