Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

P~rt rr.' x~5 aay and nigh~, that thq may obferve to do ~ccording to ~tllt~at iJ written theretn: And then God bath prom1fed to make thcJr ~oltl profperom, a74d togive themgood fuecefs, Jofh. I. 8. 3. Holinefs •nll caufe the Rulers of the world to Love &hofe that ar~ Holy, and to promote the Communion of Saints, and robe Nur!lngFatl1ers to the. Church, even that part of the Holy Catholick Clmrch 'which they are entrufied with; and to pro– teCt: them from the vi61enceof men': It will keep them from the fins of J-eroboam that corruptedGods worfhip, and put forth hi~ hand againfi the Propbec ~hat (poke Again! it : Whereby God will be eng:;rged to be the1r Protector m Peace and War :' When Princes and people that fall out with HoliNejs and take part with the flefh, and fer themfelves againfl: the fervams, the wor– fhip, and the wayes of Chrifl:, ·do pnt themfelves from under his proteCtion, and put themfelves under the battering and piercing ilroakcs of his difpleafurc : And wo to him that ftriveth with his, and char k.._ick.!~.~ainjfthe prick_:rof his feverity, Jfa.45·9· 9. 5· & 26. 14. .The fatal ruine of the Kingdoms of the world, or ar leafl: the final ruine of the perfons, is from their en• mity and retil/iOn againjf the Lord, and becaufe they will not be h~ Kingdoms, but hate a~d 9uarrel with his_ WMJCS, and pe~fecute hts fervants : An:d Godlmeis pref~rveth Pnnces and Magtfirznes from this '!in..and ruine. - 4· .ffoli'ne/s will caufe the Rulers to hate fin in themfel ves and others,_ and to remov~ the abominable thing from before the eyes of .Gods jealouGe; and to drive away the froward; ~>tnd not to (_now the wicl(ed and the prou_d, and to cut off the jlanaerer, a;:d ihe Wick._ed dotrs, and to Jet no wic&ed thing before their f)CJ , Ffalm 1 or. In their eyer a vile perfon willbe contemned , but they -will honour them that fear the L?rd. By this means their King- · - diJm.t may be Holy , and God will delight in them , and dwell among them, and it {hall ~e faid of them , as ]er. 3 1. 2l. '[The· Lordblefs thee, 0 habitation of Juftice, andmount11in of HolinefJ.] · And when.Jfr.:et is [ Holine(s to the Lor.dl all tJJilt d:evof4re him !hall offend, ev1lJhallcome uponthemJ fazththe Lord,. J Je,r. 2. 3.. The holy examples, and holy Gorernment of Godly Ktngs and Magifirates, will draw the hearts of .the people ro ·Holinefs, and ' caufe it eo f.louriili in the Lands : Whereas the wicktd examples a~d government of the ungodly, tendeth to make all about them·· \YH<ked ~ ··For,as Solomon faith» Prpv'. 29. r 2. [IfaRuler h'e~trktn y l t@ '.