Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

A ·St~Jnt ·tJr 4 Brute, to lie~, all hisfervants are 'Wick.§d J And ·then they are fuell for th~ wrat~ of Go~, both as offenders, and as enemies: For they Wtll be fit{! rebellmg and oppofing him ; and carnal intereft and enmity will pervert them to ufe the reprovers as t.Afa, and Ama– tGiah, and {erobol4m, and fC:l:.ehe/ , and •foafh dtd: and tO think with Saul that Doeg was the bell fubjed: that would kill tb~ .Prieih at his .command, and rhofe the worfl: that would not be. , tray them, or ddlroy them : ancl ro fay t0 falfe accufers as he did to the Ziphires, I Blejfed be yee ef the Lord, for yee ha11e C()mpajfion on me.] And faith the Lord, Ifa.27.4· [who ::wrmld [et the briers and thorns again{f me in 6attei ? 1 would go throu;,h them, I wouta burn them togetl;er.] Part TI. 5. Holinefs will fave Princes aud Rtl!ers from the great and ,dangerous temptations of th('ir Riches, and Honours, and Power• . and Pleafures, and will teach them to m01·rifie the flefh, and live after the fpirit ( Rom.8 .1,6, I 3.) and will keep them .hereby from thofe fins that would fubjdl: them to the confumi~wratb .of the impartial God, and will bring them to Heaven notwi~hfianding all the impediments of the world, even as a Camel .[hrough a needles eye, by the power to which all things are pof– fthle. And doubtlefs that which makerh men mofi acceptable to .God, and tendeth' to the everlafl:ing happinefs of the perfons, mufl: needs be better for all focier~es then that which prepareth them for damnation, and keepeth them here under the indigna– .;tion of the Lord. See 2 Sam. 23 3•. Lev. 2·5.46, 53,43-. .Jja. 32. I. Bom. 3. 4, 5, 6. & I~. 8. I I. And as HrJ/inefs thus makech the mofl: excellent Princr~ and happyGovernours, fo it maketh the mofl: Loyal and olmiitlftt S,uhjeCls~and is the mofr powerful preferver of peare in all S~ .ClCtleS. If any lha11 fay, that the people that llre liecounted Holy havt caufed a& fJNtf Contentions and rebellions iH the .world, IU any other, ·-wimefs the '"'ars in France, Savoy, Bohemia, Scotland, Eng– .land, &c.] I lhall firfi prove undenyably from thenature of the thing, that trueGodlinefs mufr needs make the be!t Su6jeCls, and .tend eo the happinefs of Common-wealths, and then I £hall more nearly anfwerthe Objection. _ I. Molinefs effectually teacheth fubjeCls tok._now themfelvn; To know their -weak._nt(.t and mMnefs andunworthinefs, and to k~<?W ~h~f fiA~~s ~n4 ~~~ir proper: "f!_ork.: g kill~ ~~at pride mhes