Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Piut II. A. Sdint ~r A Brute.' 167 ' makes men think that none are fo fit to Rule as they ; and it makes them fo humble as to think themfelves unworthy of pro– tection in rhe rneaneft Hation. And alfo it fo takes them tip wuha highe.r ambition, ancl fers ~~eir heart on 'the greater things, th:tt they are dead ro the Ambtt!On _of t~e world_, and can ea_fily kwe thefe things to others : Thetr Kmgdom . ts not of thts world : They are taught toexpect affliction and perfecu_ti?n, and not -to afpire after crowns. No man can deny that th1s 1s the !elfon fee them by their Lord, and the Covenant which they makewith him when th~y bec0me his Servants. Whereas the ungodly having their P.Ortion in this life, and reli!hing and mindtng moll: the things 'of the wor1d, will fnatch and fcramble and ttlrn every '.U:one and do any thing within their reach for worldly ho- · nours. 2. Holinefs teachetb I ubjeCis to fee God in their Rule-rs, and– honour and obey them as hu officers, even with an honour and obediencep#lrticipatively Di.-&Jine ; And no men <:an give them a bigher honour then they that thus honour.ttlem on Gods account :– and no men can give them fo full and firm and conflant obedience, as they that obeyGod in cheirGovernours: No man can give th~m higher titln, then they that t~ke them to be the Officers of God. Carnal men obey their Governours meerly .as men that able· to do ·them good or hurt.. If they were fure to recei-ve no dam– mageby contemningthem, they cared not to trample them in the · dirr. Though that people finned in defiring a King, yet when rhey had chofen that kind of Government, ~nd Saul was fet over them, thofe that went with him were fuch [ whofe hearts God had- · touched: !nit the Chi!dr~n of Belialfaid, How [bait thu man. fave . us ? ana they ddpifed hH'fJ and brought him no pr.efents J I Sam. ' 10, 27. 3. llolinels caufeth I N~jtEfJ toobty and fubmit for confcience f~k.!: They do it becaufe Godhi•felfhath commanded them to do - it. They pay tribute, and give honour and obedience becaufe it is ·part of their obedience to God, .required of them in the fifth Co~m~ndme~t,which i~ the firfl: with promife: Outward pro– fpency 1s efpectally promtfed to them that honomr their Parents . and fuperiours. And the commands and promifes of God with . rhe _bonds of Confcience do tie m~n fafl~r to their duty, and re~ firame more effeCtually from· dtfob~dtence then the words of men alone .can do.. . Con~cience holdeth ft.rongly ,and conft~ntly ; . and