'i G8 ':A S4int bra 1Jrutt ~ Part II 0 1 and it holdeth as well in fecret as in publike; fo that if aman werefure to do a mifchief and never be difc.over-ed, he would n~ver the 1efs abhor it, as being not unknown to God and con– fc.tence. Aman thae fearc:th not God aftd confcience., wi1lnever fhck to do a mifchief~ if. he may efcape th~ eye and revenging hand of .man : F_dux wdlfetfire to the ~~am to blow up King · and Parliament, 1f he fte but a probabthty .of efcape. But hi th21t feeleth the bondsof GoduponJ1im, dare not rebel · 4· Holimfs d.efrroyeth Self love which is the Spring of all dif– eon!ents, and difobedience: and teacheth a man to own no Ends or tnterefts but what fiand in due fubodiHation to the honour of Godand the common good; and in due coordination with the Wel– fare of Ol:lr neighbourJ: Whereas the ungodly are every .man of them an Idol to himfelf : ft/f is the only Lordand Law, fet up againfi GtJd and King and Countrey, And if God or King, or {ountrey be ferved by rhem, it Is but in fubferviency ro them· felves, as they look to attain fome wealth or dignity or honour by it. The felf feekjr;g man is faithful and trully to no man but himfelC And the felf-Jenying man bath no great temptation to . be unfaithful. 5. H r;l£ne[J doth partly ccnfi.ft or ch~trity, and reschcrb men to do as theywould be done by : Andhow can it goe ill with any focieties where Love prevaileth, and men are as loth J:o wrotzg as to be wrmged, and to do hurt to oth~rs as to them-: felves! ... 6. Holinefs brings down Gods bleffing on each particular fub- •·jeCt : and makerh a people the delight of God ; and brings them ·under the promife of his favour. Godlinefs i5 pr~fitablt to ~tit thitzgs , having the premife of the Life that JWW u, _and. of that Which u to come, 1 Tim. 4· 8. What abundance of proroHfes are there to the obedient ? l(lf. I. I 9· Deut. 4. 3o. Exqd. 2 3. 22. Deut. I I. 27. & q.4.d- 30.z.,8,2o. ]er. 7• 23. & 11.4, 7.&c. 7· HolinefJ ma.ketl1 men meek and patien~, ~nd teach~rh fob· jects nonomake too great a matter of any t.nJury chat .1s done them; nor to cen{ure ·unwarrantably the acbons of thetr fup~riours : nor to murmur and fiir up difcontents ; but qm· etly w bear all in obedience to God, and fo.r the common good. 8. Holimfs difpofeth men to Vnity .and Concord, and is as much