Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

· part 11.· A. Saint or 4 Brau: much againft d;jcord and divifion as healthfu1 nature is againft wounds and ficknefs. lVht>1>ce are \\?ars, but from the tufts that war inyour members ?Janl. 4· I. The fervant of the Lord mu£1: not ftrive : The: new Commandof/peci11l Lo-ve to one anether, ~nd the ftrange forbearatJce, conceffion, condefcenfion, forgrnng and loving enemies thcrpfelves, required in the Gofpel, mutt needs do much if truly practifed to preferve the Peace of any nation. 9. -Holinefs a!fnreth us of fo great a Rewara to thofe that <>bey their fuperiours in things lawful , and offererh us fo much betttr things r~:pon our patience, and {ubmiJlion, then ever d;fobedience or rebtr.lion can attain, that hereby it mufi needs tend to the quiet and benefit of Societies. He that is bound to re– joyce and be exceeding glad in his perfecutjon, bec~tufe hu rew.m:l in heaven i6great, bath !mall reafon to contrive, or fight, or fin to e[cillpe die perfecution together with the re111~trd , Matth~ · 5~II,I2. 1 o. Helinefs teacheth men both to continue obedient and faithful againH all temptations. and alfo to propagate the fame refohuions, and to draw all others eo obedience with us. It was the excellency ofChrifis example, that he would be obedient even when he was falfly accufed of trc:afon, and charged as an ufurper of Cefor.r right. If we fhould be called feditious, difobedienr, rebellions,"'when we are moft loyal, it mu£1: not move us from 01;1r loyalty at all. In all thefe ten particulars I have fhewed, that m the nature of the thing , it is undenyable that Godlinef.r ii t~e _ftrength an~ 6e.tmy and fafety ef Kingdoms and of all So- . ~tettes: m that 1t engageth th~ fu~jeCl as well as the Govern.ours, m all thanendeth ro their peace and wellfare. . And now you may fee by what is faid, that there can be no weight in the Objetlion which prerendeth from the Cafe of the Wa.ldenfes, .Albigenfes, Bohemians, French, &c. to produceex~ penence agamit what I am proving. HePZlth may as truly be fa id to be the c~ufe of ficknef{es, as GoJ!intff~ · t0 be the caufe of treachery, rehellir.n or difloyalty; there being nothing in all the .world except God hirrifelf, fo contray tO theie as Godlinef5 ig. . · . But you will aske, Whenceis it then that we have the forefaid mfl:anc~s ? I anfwer fometirne not authority but malice and cru– elty dnveth poor Chrifiian5 to 2 a fion~~\val~ and if they tu~n . , aga1n