Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

\. , 172:, /J:SaJnt~r4Brute: Part II,' is_yo?r e_xampte_~ And our.Religion is but our Conformity ro h1mmhts fu~ermgs and hts h?linefs. He hath made it pan of . onr duty to htmfelfto obey Kmgs and Rulers,and all Superiours, not only the goo.d, ~ut the frowO\rd, and to take it patiently if we fuff ;r for well-domg, and not to return fo much as a revili ng ~ : ilionmari~g word , or murmuring, rebellions thought. 1~ Js not fighr_wg for our felves, but following him ~ith the Crofs, and forfakmg all chat we have, that Chrifr bath made the work of hisdtfciples , and the necdfary condition of his promife of fa1vat:on, Lu/ze 14. 33. There is no Mafier in all the world that fo firidly commandethPatience and forbeara nce, and fo rgiving ana Love, and Peace and fubmiffion to one another as J cfus Chri £1: dorh : He fers the hearts of all ·his fervants on anot her Kingdom, and tells them they have greater things to mind then r iches or(honours or .domination upon earth. He taket h the }:)one of 1 ontention from before them, and bids them le_ave fuch things asthefe to the men of the world, that have their portion in this life. You may as hone!lly fay that the Sun is the greatefi: caufe of darknefs, as that Chrifi and holinds are the faufe of . [editions, rebellions, treafons, or perfidioufnefs in the world. All the world fet together haeh not done fo much as he hath done againfi chem. If men threaten hanging and quartering to fuch offences, Chrifi thrcatnetb damnation in hell fire ro them: And would you wifh. him to inflict a {harper punifhment; or more feverely to manifefi his hatred of the crimes! I tell you therefore if you fhotald find Rebellion and Sedition among Chrifiians, it i£ ]:me as you may find corruption in the bodies of the living, which is contrary to life and health, and to be found much more among the dead. I am not h~re ple:1ding .. for individual perfons, but for Chrifiianity and Godlinefs. If . . ~ "" Qny profdfe<l Chrifiians forfake the way of Patience andSubje– ction and turn to Rebellion and difloyal ty, they do far for fake Religion and Godlinefs, and mach more wrong ~nd offend their l1 eavenly maHer, then their King and Govcrnours ~ .~lead who cwill for the wickednefs of fuch men ; for my part I Wtll not. I am fureChrifr will not plead for their fin which be sondemneth. He may juftifie them from it, upen repentan£e; b~t he will ne– / ver juilifi e them for it and in it. It is not becaufe they are_g.odly lbut for w4nt ofGodlinefs, that any men have e~er been gudry of n:bc~hom D or refifring Lawfnll p~~er~ ~ ~s Dr. WArd har.b fulel~ · · · prov " ..