Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part n: A S4,1Jt era Brute~ l7J. proved in his Sermon on R;:n;'I'-3. z. Nothing more tend~th to the ruine of Rulers and peopll!;fhen to hearken to the Denl.and _ th€ Enemies of Hu/inefs, that would perfwad~ the world mto a conjunCtion with them in the Enmity agamft the way of Godlinefs and rhe faithful fervants of the Lord, upon pretence that they are adverfaries to Governomrs and G~vern!"lent. H is aweighty truth that the forefaid D0etor b~gms h:s Ser~on with ["Among all the fharagems of the Devtl, tendmg to the ~' tJndermining of Religion, and the fubverfion of the fouls of "men though there cannot be any more unreafonable,yet there "was never any more unhappily fuccesful then the creating and "fomenting an Opinion in the world, that Religion is ~n Ene_rny "toGovernment:, and the bringing fincerity and ZC!al mRcltg1- ~' on in~o jealoufie and difgrace with the Civil Po.wers. J It was s' by thts Jealouftc blown into the heads of the Htgh Pnefls :rtnd "the Sanhedrim amongf.t the Jews, and of Herod and Pontitu " Pilau, that Chrifi himfelf was accufed, condemned and exe- " cuced on a tree : By this the Apollles were baled before the "Governours of Provin£es; forced from one City to fly to ano– "ther: for this they endured bonds and fundry kinds of "death. re was through this fancy that the ChrifHans for ' · ~ '"three hundred years together endured the rage of Heathen &I Emperours, being defhtute, afflicted and tormented: Our~ "Lord Chrif.t·w:;.s traduced as an enemy to Ctt[ar> a man re~ 4 ' fractory to the Roman Laws, and a Non-conformift to the "Religion and Laws of his Countrey. J Thus and more th~t Au~ thor. So that it is no new thing for the mofl: innocent and holy ;,. and excellent perfons to fuffer as enemies to the Government: where they lived ; nay it bath been the common cafe: ·nor is it fira.nge to hear Religion and Holinefs charged with thefe .crimes ; • which they are rnoft asainfi. As fo~ the m;1liciou.s ilanders of the Papifl:s againU the Re- ; ·· f?rmed Chunh~s, as tf they had promoted all their Reforma· tlons by R~be~l10n, they hav~ been confuted fafficiei1tly by rnll– ny.: A~ thts ~tme, I fhall only deftr~- the ·Reader that would be fn~ufied ~n thu, .and underftand the Pr~ieftant doUrine in thefe ~(Jm.ts, to read Bdbop Bil{ons [ -IJ,1ferf~et betweenChriflian [ub'"' jechon,andunchriftianRebe/lien : J EfpeciaHypag. 382~ ·and from o~J-94: to) 22. Alfo Hook.frs pcclef. PrJ/it. the Iaft Book (Iat~ly •· ·. pub.h(hed. } . ·z· 3 -, i