Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

174 AS~tintora Bruu: · Part1f.' ~~d if he WOHl~ know whether it be an Artide of the very Rel!gton of rhe Paptfl:s, that the Pope may give away the Dqmini– on~ o[Tempor1d Lords thtlt deny TranfuGflantiation, or ,hold fu,J, lik.J points which he calleth-Here fie, or that will not exterminate all thM held them out of their Dominions, and that he md) di{charge t~eir fubjeqs ~nd vaff4lJ from their Alteg;ance: I only intrear: btm Wtth hts own eyes to reacl the Decrees of their approved general Council at the Later~t»e under Pqpe JmUJcent 3. and Iet himhut believe his eye-fight. And for their cafe and confutation~ let him alfo read King {11mu his Anfwer to Perror/s Ora-: tion. Having rhus interpofed an Anfwer to their Objection, that 13y, Religion hath brought forth Rebellions ( which I confefs t~at .Religien which teachtth Rebellion bath done; hut the Chriftidn Religion which condemneth it, and engageth men again£1: It as. aforefaid, doth not) I now proceed to fome other proofs, that Godiinef.t is the grcatefi fecurity and ·efiabli!hment'to Kingdoms and all Societies. I 2. Godlinefs above ~11 things engageth men to be true to their Cavet~antt ; to keep all their Oathes and Promifes of Obedience to Kings and _to other fuperiours ; and to be faithful and crufty in all their dlilties ro one another : So horrid is the fin of Perjury and Covenant- breaking, that God bath condemRed it, /not only in the holy Scrip~ures, but alfo in the Law ofNatnre. He will not: bear with it: in the (]ruztcft Princu ; how then fhall Perfidious fubjech fcape ~ What fair cxcufes had Saul for his breaking the Vow and Covenant with the Gibeonites ? He might have/aid, I .They procured it from{ofoNa byameer cheat. And therefore no benefit belonged to them from their own fin and fraud. z. 7ofos.t not knowing 111ho they were, z"g11orantu non efl &fJnfenfm. 3. That GGd had forbid to fpare anyofthofe Nations. 4· That it was not San! that made this Oath and Covenant , but /o.fluta. s. That S.tul did it in zeal for the people of I[rael. Yet for all this in D4vids daye:; there was a famine in the land, for this fin of Saul, which was not expiated till feven of his fons (or pofte– ricy) were hanged at the Gibeonices requeG. : And though DA11.idmight well fee that hemight be cenfured as contriving all thishimfelf for the extirpation of the lineof S aut, yet would he not forbear the execntion zChron. zr. And when rhe people ~otmured l,lt to/bHII and tlt~ H~!di of Jjrael for fparing themat ' nrfi,