Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

ASAtn(tJr 1t 8rttte.~ Pa t II' r, • obeyed Saul; hut God is fir{l to be obeyed. It is ne that begins proceeds, and ends w·ith God, that is fure eo do no wrong, no~ be rmfl ed . 14. Holintfs pojf'!.f[eth men 7t!ith a publik.J fPirit, 11na makf;h the cafe ~;f others to be our own, ~tnd teacht:th us to do M we would be der~e by .; and giveth every J;nan that hath it , a cornpaffion to · others m their diHrefs, and-an earnefi. defire after their welfare, and a rejoycing in ir; when ungodly men are all for thernfelves. P/sdm 137. I Cor. 12. 25,26,27.& 13. Ails2.44· .lnat.7.12, . . M~r~12. ?3. I 5. Godlinefs engagethmen in Doing geod, M the very hujinefs tf their lives, ~hich u to he Rewardedwith everlafting Happi– nefs : So that befides what is force_d from menby Law, they are to be £\:ill in the.exercife of Charity , and to be ~ealom cJf good work! ; and ro make it their fiudy to do all the good they can : And therefore tl:ley are certainly the profi£ablefr members in any Society, that are moft trulyGodly, Luk.f I o. 29, 30, &c. Deut~ 15. 9. Lu~e 6. 38.Gal.6.9, IO. I 6. Moreover Holinefs teacheth men to forgive Wrongs, and t1 Love our enemies, and to lago our right, rather the1J tohreab__ Peace c:nd nvmge our wrongs: and to forbear even going to Law con• tentioufly, and where our putting up injlilries meerly toour felves, may fuffice for the avoiding of it. Luk! 6. 27, 28, 29~ Mat. 6. 14, I 5. I Cor. 6. 7. And what conten:ion can there be where thefe Rules are practifed? except when the interefi of God or others is violated ; which is not in our power to r,emir. If you f01.y; thztt Thefe things are good if th£) were praClifed: I anfwer, 1. You confefs then that Holinf[s is good : For rhe Rule is Good, whether it be practifcd or nor. ~. I anfwer, that fo much as any man is fandified,hc doth prattife it.And therefore if any man live not according to the Rule which he profdfeth ro live by, that is from the remnant of that fin within him, which the wicked plead for, and for want of more of that Godlinefs which you diHafl:~. Make him more holy, and he will do all this. 17. Holinefs (ecuruh every Sociay, and interefteth them in the ·moft impregnable dcfe?ece; even in the LBve and favour ofthe Lor~; ,md i-n humanyfure and precirms promifes. · He barb engaged hts Almigbtine fsand Fidelity for fuch, and tendreth them as the apple of his eye, and h;ath promifed that he will be their def~ncel Zaeh. 2.8. J'[r./m). II, &7. 10, &59.9, 16 1 17, &6~. z.whereas · -- · · the