Pare U. }l Salnt or 4 BrtJtt-: i 77 1 the tm_godly are under his curfe, Pfalm 1. 6. & 37· A~dwhich ot' rhefe Societies is liker to be happy? 18. GodUnefsuthefureft-gaytrJftJrnifoevery Societ] 'With all the blejfing,J thllt aretrlt!Jgood for t~em. For they ha-ve the favour and prom1fe of him th~tt is the gLver of them all. Rom. 8. 28. pj,lfm & s~r· i r. & 23. Godlinefs u profitaBle to ~ll.t};ingt, h~tfling tke promife vf the life that now u, ~tnd of .that -whick u tfJ ' corm, I Tim. 4· 8. & ~. 6. Mitt. 6. 33. But ·Wtckednefs 1s the certain way to ruine. E1>1en rme jinner deftroytth much good, Ecd.• 9· I 8. and one godly man hindreth much evil, as the cafe:of !jo· feph, Mefu, Daniel, a,nd many others teHs you. 19 Moreover it u Godline[s that u the honour of ~~~ S9cietiu: Without this their wifdom is meer folly, and their Riches are but the fetters of their fiavery, and canker to gnaw them and tefl:ifie againft them ; and their greatcfl vitlorics may be bu.t murders . which fhall damn them : and their fplendm.u in the ,world is but the tign of their mifcry in the eyes of all fore-feeing men : Prov. ,14. j4. [ Righteoufnefs exa!tetbaN.ttion, /l~t fin iJa-repro11clt ta 'any people. J What Glory can be equal eo the Glory of our in– terefl: in God, and of our being his people, and doinghis work,' and having his prefence ? 20. lafily , How can that he 'Worft en eartb , that iJ fo good i~e_ 'He~~ven;? The per[eCfion tJf Holinefs hereafter, with ·the Holy tove, and Praifes, and Enjoyments of the Saints, will be their Glory. If you think this worfi in your Societies on earth, what t:loyou but renounce it i' If Heaven be worfi for you , come not thither. If rhe participation of that which is the felicity of the glorifiul, be notthe felicity of all SocietiCJ, I defire none of their fi~ry. - What if Saints from Heaven would come down and dwell · among you here on .earth? I bcfeecb you as men of reafon,anfwcr me thefe two ~eihons. . , I. Whether you cto not know or verily believe, that they would be more Holy, and Pure, and Exact, ~nd firiCl:, and~ore a:verfe to all fin, then any. of thofe are that now you difiike as too -pr,ecife? . 2. Whether you would therefore call them Puritanes ~ and bate them , and cafl: ehem out , or imprifon them , or take them for t~e ~roublers of your Countries , or rather for thehonour · ·· -- A a · ---- · - --- and \ . ..