part 11.· .A Saint "Qr ~Brute:' i79.. away, that theSodomites might be trouhtedwith that precife and bujie fellow no more ; and then_h~ fent fire from Heann on Sodom, and confumcd them all, mAk.}ng the"! fine x1<1mple, fuffiring the venge~nce of eternal fire, rude 7· Or as ltlS fully fet forrh by rhe Holy Ghofi. 2Pet. 2. 6, 7,8,9. [Turning the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into afhes, he condemned them with •mover– throw, makjng them an example to thl)fe th~t after /bvuld live un– godly: (Mark this) 1nd delivered jufl L~t, vexedW~th the fit:hy &on.verfation of the \VJckfd (For that nghteous man dwdltng among them, in feeing and hutring, vexed hi> righteous foul from day to daJ with their unlarPjut .deeds) The Lord /tnowet~ how to deliver the godly out of temptations, (lnd to refer"'Je the unJuft to th: d~y of I udgement to be punifhed.] And now who is it that was troublefom, ar:~d the caufe of evil? Was it Lut, or was it Sodom ? Take heed left God take the Lots that trouble you from among you , and when you are rejoycing that you are rid of them , he ferve you worfe then he ferved Sodom. · . In the daies ofNoah, no quefiion but that Preacher of Righte– oufnefs feemed eo the worl-d a fingu!ar and a feif-conceirect fel– low : But did not God decide the controverfie whether it w~rc Noah, or they, that were the troublers of the world? Saith Peter 2 Pet . 2, 5. [ Go.l [fared not the old world, but faved Noah the eighth per(en, a Preacher of righteou(nejs, bringing in the ~ood upon the world of the ungodly.] · When l{rael fell before the men of Ai, it Was adoubt who it was that was rhe caufe of that calamity; but God proved it eo be Achan, who is fl:oned npon this fencence of rofhua, 'fojh. 7.25. [Why haft the~& troubled m ? the Lord fhall trouble thee thi~ d~y. . . 2 . And confider I pray you , what a!2..!!.irtnefs it is that you havt, before you are troub!edhy the Godly! lets a f!.yietnefs ;n the high W i1l) to Hell : You had che priviledge of damning your fouls withouc difiurbance from thefe precifc conrrollers. Hach not: Chrifr to ld us, that t he Devil is thus likeaflrong man ttrrned, that while he kfeptth his Palace, hiJgoods are in Ptace: but when a jlronger then he foal!_come upo11 him andove.rcowu him, he takftb fr omhimall huarmour wherein he trufted, and divideth the Jftoi!J.] Luk.J I I. 21, 22. The hearrs ~nd the Nations that il're nor con– quered by Chrifi, are the Devils Garrifons. and poffdfions . Do A~ -2. you