Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

1 So .. A' !Aint ·or. R, Brute~ I'art u~· you think th~t ~is bell: that he po!fefs them fiill in Peace ? Or that the Pre~chcrs of C~ril:t , that: p.bnt his Ordinance againfl: them, and b~tter them, .till they are forced to yield, bu!ie trovbleforq fellows ? What is it for , but for your.ddive. ranee, rhat are Satans captives at his will ? 2 Tim. 2~ 25' 26 . .3. And might }'OU not on thisground alfo. ~ccount Chrift himfeif tht tro»bler of the -wortJ, aJ much, an.d .-t th.ou[t~~nd times. more then tu ? For he dod:J more to difiurb men in .their fins then any .ef we : and he dorh more for Holinefs then otll the world befidcg, And in this fenfe he confe!feth and fore-tells us, that; he came~ot to fend Peace, but divijien i14to the world, into Tow.ns, and Coun– tries, and Families, Luk.§ 12. 51, 52, 53 · If we .can haveno Peace with you, gnlefs -we will difobey our Lord., and ferve the Devil and the fldh, and damn our own fouls, and fuffer you to do the like, then keep your Pence among yourr felves; .we will none of that Peace : we have no mind to buy your friendfhip and good w.6rds at fuch a rate ! If your pe~tc.e will fl:and with our peace ·With God, and peace cf Confcience , we will gladly accept of it : If it will not, we can be without ir..Your fouls are .like fores that may.not be fear.ehed, o.r a broken bone that mufl: not be.fer, for fear of hurting you ; You are . like _men .that muft ha':::e . that which would kill the~ J. or like children that will- cry if the¥ be bm taken out of the1r ung, or kept from fire, or from kmves. If we do but crofs you in the way to Hell , we trMble you, and we break the peace ?·Yea, and if we will not cafi away our fouls e:verlafiingly for company? And is this .the cafe ? ls this the breaking of your Peace ? The Lord.will fuortlybe a Righteous · }1;1dge between you and us , and· tell yon , who it was that was the Trou.bler of the Towns and Countries, and of the world. · You find Ah.fband Elij11h at this coneeR. Ahab rakes bim for the Trostbler of lfnul when aheavy famine ·was among them : Elijah faith, No' ; butit was Aha~ 11nd his Fathers houfe that hild troubled lfrael by their wickednefs·, I Kings I 8. · 17 , I 8. And which think. you ,was in -the right , the Prophet or the King ? · . . . . Why Sirs, What is it that 6oJliJ4efs ·doth, that 1t fuould be taken for theTreubler of the .world , w.hen unj,[J is taken for your peace ? ·Is it o11r p~rfwadingor. hindring yo~ fr~m fin - - · - tha·t