Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

, ~ ~· i8i A.S.-IntorABrut"t,· Partii,' ~entty de~r?y the w.,rld. Sodome had one Lot, and .his family in tt.Well ·? tt ts but fome then.that are fo bad. And whtch part is it? l~ it t·be.God!y, or the Vngodly.? If Godlinefs be naught, then But'?en ts naught, where.chere ts niJthing elfe ; And rhen take it ~ot tll tobe fhu.c out? ~f1~ be the Vngod!J rhar are naught, chats 1t that I am faytng. It ts tJme then to leave it, and to turn to · God. Is it not you your [elves that make the complaint that: . are the men that make the world fo bad l Is is not you.that are fo Covetous and worJd1y that you have nothing for the poor, and no time to fpare for the work that you were made for ? nor fcarce any room, to chink or fpeak of the life to come ? Is ir not you that have fo little Charity that you even hate men for Lev· ing and ferving God, and feding diligently to ftive their fouls ? Its true, that there was never greater wick,!dnefs in the world then fince there bath been fo much Pnaching. But What h· th~t wick.fdne{.t, and in whom ! le js the defpifing and di/(jheying the calls of God ; and the hating and neg– lecting of a holy life. Thofe that are faved by the Go· fpel, m<ty fay that it was a: happy meifageunro them: but thofe that flight it, ~nd willfully fin in the openefl light, may well fay that tt ts a bad world with them: and worfeit is, and will be for ever, if they be not G()nverred, then if they had never hear·d the Gofpel : It is you, and fuch as you that defpife the mercies of the Lord, that make it abad world ; and thenyou impudently com– plain of it, and charge it on them that will not be as bad as your fel ves : and take away thecandle and lhut the windows, thatthe light may not trouble you. · 2. Well ! but fay you the -world 'WIU !utter wh,n 1 here was le{s prea(hinx, and ltjs adfJ about the ferving of God, aud our Jalvatian. I do not 6elt'evc yon, and I wtii tell you \\Jhy, yea, why I am ctrtain that your words are f PI L/e. 1 .Becaufeyou comradi{] the LrJrd. God faith thofe rjmes are &efl when there is mofi of tbe Light of the Gofpt!, and mofi helps for our falvatiM, :tnd when the p-eople !ire mofi Holr. The increafe of Light and Holinef3 is a principal pare of the Glory of the · Kingdom of Chrifi, and of the Promifes to the ~ofpel Church, as you may fee, Jfa. 9. 2. f!J' 36. 26. & 42. 6\ & 6o. 3. Mat. 4. I 6. Lulz. 2. 32. }r;h. 3; I 9, 20. The word of God is the gr eatef~ bld fing under heaven: together with a heart ro obey and pratbfe ir, L ttk. 1_1. 28 . ~leifcd are they that hear the wo~~