'.A SAiHt ot 1 J·rutt,.' Pare H. 4 · Mo~eover yot~ are not w be beli'¥ ed becaufeyoujpeak.._againft .. the experunce of all the Propha .t otnd A poftle.t of Chrift. David had ache~ be adoor k._eepe~ in the houfe of G@d, then dwell in the ttntJO[ Wlck!dnrf.t ; and Judged aday in bu Courts to 6e 6etur · t hen a thrmfand, f> fal. 84. 10. and a.'counted them the bleffe.d .men that ~igbt ev~:n dwell in the . houfe of God, and be da ily raken up tn holy pra ife and worfhip; Pjal. 6). 4· & 92. 13 . .& 23.6.vyhcn he was forced from the houfc and peblick wodhip of God, 1t was his daiLy lamenta.tion, and he fainte'th, and pan~eth, and longeth after the houfe and worfhip of God .agam , Pfal. 4 2. & 84. 2, 3, 4, 5. [ HoW ~tmia~le ~1.re thy Tabernacles0 Lordof hefts? My foul longeth,yea even f~tinte th for t.he.courts of the Lord : M] beart aadmy fi efo cryeth (}Ut fo r th~lzvzng~oJ.:- Blrjfed~trethey thatdwellinthyhoufe: tbq -wz/1 6e jhll praijiny; thee : Blef{cd is the man whofe ftrength u in t iJ.ee, in whole heart arc the ways of them J The Prophet 1/~tiah fmh [In the way of thy jt4dgements 0 Lord hav~ we waited for tl.:u : rhcdefire of our foul u to th] name, an-d ts th: remembrance of thu : with my foul h~ve I defired thee in the night; y e~t with m! fpirit "tvithi?J me will I feek._ thee u rlJ.l This was che mind ot all the Prophets and Apoftles: and God hath told us that it: is the practice of all bleifed men, to Meditate in Gods word d~ty night, Pfal. I. 2. Andyet will you fay chat it was a better world tvhen there was Iefs of this t 0 {elf-condemning Hypocrites ! Why do yot1 fo much profefs to honour theProphets, Apoflles and 'MArt] rs of Chrifi, if you think that tbeJ were the trou6lers of the world, and that th~ir doElrine and praElice makes u.s worfe ? \Vhy do you honour them with the name of Saints, and yec defpife both their doctrine and puB:ice in thofe that do bat en– deavour ferioufly to imitate them 1 Why keep you H~/7 dajs in remembrance of the dead Sait:ts, and fay that the w~rld ~ the "Wir/e for the living Saints ? 0 horrible hypocrifle ! to h~- · n·our their nAmes, and h4te their dollrine and courfe of life, and fay that the world wM neverg~o1 fince it was t~oubled wirh fuch at they ! Do »>e trouble you Wlth Ol!lr 'Preachmg, an~ praytng~ and our fiir for heaven ? How would Chrift and hts Apoftlu have troubled)QU, that went fo far beyor:1d. UJ in all thef~, and made :t.grear~r fl:ir then we, and turned the world (as rhe1r ene. rnies charged them) up fide down! Ail. 17. 6. fo bufie was Chrift in preachinG and doing the ~or~ of God, thatheneg– --- - · · - - - ~- · leded