.. AS4lntsr·a:s,f.; e; · as Religion _to be regard~d. A God that is worfe then the Creature, 15 no God. If we mufi not feek.. firfl the King– dom .r;f God, and the Righteoufnt/s thertof (March. 6. 33-.) as Chrd\: bath commanded, then it is in vain to feek it at all. If there be no Heaven or Reil, let us l<'ly by all Rdigion. But if tker:e he, that man that thinks it not worth hi$ grtatefl care and: J,!sx,et~_ce to be faved, doth forfeit the reputa·rion of his rcafon With h1s foul. .Will you believe that man that f.aith he believeth tha~ there is an EverlafiingGlory';Q be fought, and made furC' of tn this life of our pilgrimage and warfare, and yet thinks it not worrhour feeking for above all, and worthy all oQr cofl: and kibour? He fpeaks a grofs and blockiili contradiCtion . . A Hea– ven nobetter then Earrh, is noHeaven. A He:~.ven that is not ~orthy the labour of a hol)llife,is no Heaven. And a God that l'S not worthy o.f all that we can do, is no God. Either plainly fay that you are Pagans and wor!e, and bdieve not any life but th1s : Or elfe live as ChriRians, if you will be called Chriftians,; ~ay not chat you believe there ii a Hell, if you think aHolJ life too dear to fcape it. 1· Yea this is not all, but ]<JHr ~Drds do tend t~ Bruti./bnefs it feif. Pt~gans did believe ( fo.r the mofr part) a life 11[ter thiJ_ And rulian chat Apofiate Infidel himfelf doth prefcribe to all his Idols Priefis a very flritf and Religious tife, according to the .Religivnwhich he owned ; and profeffeth that all G:are and tern· peranc;:e and piety iliould be ufed to pleafe God, and obtain the happinefs to come.And {hal!.men called Chriftians· t~ke the very lnfilels for Purirnnes, and be worfe then Heathens? If we l1ave not another life-to lookafcer, then what are we but 6eajls thllt p:trifh?Ifyot~ think that youdit like be~tjfs, e~ll your fl!lves heafts, andnever more·own thenllme of men.lfyou are not beafts but mm, then have you f0uls to Jav_e or lofe, to be happy or miferable for - ever.And is it not worth all our care& labour to look after them? 8. Ano~her reafon why I will never believe you; that the world was better wh~n ther t: was lefs preachi~g and Reli'gion, is be.. uufe you {PNik:_ againft the vtry : end~ndntttPJre of prNtching an_l · Religipn. For the word ofGod 1s ~ntten and preached to tb ts 'l!ery m a, tom,a ke me19 better._ .And ts rhat the way £O und?e the world, w perfwade them to amend ! ·0 Impudent malignant r-4J ngues ! What doth ~ he word of God fpeak. againf\: but fin ! Doth it alJywhere fpc:akagainil: any thing that l~ Go~d ?o~ doc_h ' ' - " - .. ,. - -· - u:. ..