part 11.' 'A s,tJnt br 4 B:·uti: _1~1 it anywher~ CQminand you any thing that isbP1d? ·~-et_ the ~~l~ re reO: enemy of God t1pon ea"'~ h, fay fo, an~ p~ove tt tf he can. 1 here in defiance of the Dev1l , and all hts mfi:rumen.ts and fenanr~ , challenge them in their b.itrerefi malic~ '· to faa rhe wor,fi they can of the Gofpel, Qr of true Rehgwn, an prove -that ever it encouraged men to fin , or that ever a_ny was a lofer by it ! 0 wonderful ! Mufr the God of heaven _m– dite fuch Laws againfl: all evil, condemning it, and th~eatmng damnation for it: and yet will thefe wretches have the face s to fay that it is long of the Scripture or of Religion that the world is Evil? What ! 'Vill preaching againjl- your wickJdncf.s ~a~e .youwick.fd ? If it do, be it known to the fa(es of you, that tt ts yoH, and not preaching that £hall b.e one day found to. be the: caufe, and be condemned for it. Mufl: Princes and Parliaments make Laws to hang thieves and murderers! and when they hare done,will yeu fay it is long of them and their Laws that men ~re rebbed andmurdered?-- Why this is not yet fo impudently un1uft. as you deal with God. For they threaten out hanging, and h.e threatneth .everlabling damnation againfi fin ; and executetb tt on aH the unconverted. , as fure as he threatneth ir. And would you have himyet do more to te£tifie his diflike of fin? ' Tell me, th.ou that blafphcmeft the holy corpmands of thy Crea– tor? Woaldfi thouha~him do more then everl~ftingly t~ d;~mn 1111converted {inners, to prove that he is no frimd or coeufe of fin? whu fhould he do more? Is there a greater plague then Hell to threaten ? Or wouldfi thou have him do more to fhew how much he loveth Goodnefs, then to command it, and per– [Wade men daily to it, and to promife Ever/aftingGlorJ for their .Re-ward? Is there anygre~ter RewArd tobepromifed ? I tell thee blafphemcr, to the Jufiifying ofmy Lord, that all the world bath never done the thoafandth pan again!l: mens faults ., as God h~ch done. Never were there firider Laws again!\ them, then h1s Laws. And never more terrible ex<Kutions. And yet wilt t]l~u fay, ~hat its long of God, or Scripture, or Religion, that ~he world ts naught? If thou flay a little longer impenitently m thy .hlafpherny,till death have bwt given thee the morcal flroak, (and trs hard at hand) thou lhalt rh~n be anfwercd in another ~anner, and God wil1 eaftly jufiifie himfelf, and fiop all flilch y·tle and arrogant mouths, and confure thee with an everlafl~ mg Vengeance~ Remember that thou waft forewarr\ed. · . Bb 2. ·