Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

1!W8; .A 'S1-int lr..A Brute. · Part H~ -- 9. Y~l furthermo~·.e,you are confuted and ./h..lmedby your 0 wn , C!imp!aznt 1. \VhH 1s 1t that yo1:1 qNarrd with the Law of God for? -is i~ not be~aufeit: is fo ft:i£l , and forbi~deth fin, ~nd zl;reatneth damnatton for tt ?- Is It not bccaufe It requireth fo much gqfJdmfs, and telleth you that none of the unconvened ung~dly fha\J be f~ ved? And w~at is it that you-quarrel with t_he godl.J for I Is It not for fervmg God, and becaufe they-will not be as bad ai others? . And yet the fame tongues dare blaf·– rheme the Laws .of God, and Jay, the warld u-tbeworfe for them! , And t~e fame tongue dares reviLe the godly as [he caufe that the world 1s fo bad 1What fhould one fay eo fuch.unreafonable men, : rhat will at the fame time tnurmhlr ac the Holy word and wayes of God, becaufe they contradict the wick._ednefs .of the World, , and threaten them with~ Hell fire be€aufe they repent not, and– y_et fayit is long of this very word, a~d the preaching and obey--· ing of it in aholy life, that th.e world grows worfe ! · 0 impu– dent mouths~! that at once .revilc the fervams ofChri{t, becaufe• rhey wiH not be tU /Jaa as others, and yet fay that its they ,that make rpe W{)rld fo bad• . Godwill vc:ry_1hordy !lop fuch unrea-_ fonab!e mourhs. . . · · l o..And if }(/f4r words were true, .then it-would follow· thlu 11/l' §ods gretltefl Mtrcies are -worth nothing,yea,that they are ahurt trJ . m, and_ curfa rather.thmbleffings. What is the Gof}t!~{Jrth, · if the reading, and Preaching, and practifing of it, do make the · world worfe, _and only trouble men ? What- are, all aods Or-di-· nances wort-h, if .rhis .bethefruic of. them? A-nd-why hath ;he· app~inted Paflors and Teachers Jor his Churcb , if this be all the good rhe.y do.. f .- Nay what is -Cbrift him/tlf wwth to the , world, if thofe -are the worfl men that mofi ohey him, and flu· dy his word, and .diligently feek him 10 unwonhyfouls! inhis all your thanks.. to God for a Chrift when you are lofi hy fin? ·· and for the Gofpel that otfereth you -everlafiing life? and for ll!he Minifiry of your Pa!lors -that -would .reach you ·the way of life? May we .not take up the Prophets exclamati-on' Ifa·. I. 2. Hear 0 heavens, llndgive .ear 0 earth~ I have nourifoed and brought · ~tp children, and thty ·have rebelled ag~inft me : The 0x k._noweth huOwner,andtheAfs his MafterJ.crib: but thupeople~cthnot · k_t~fJW the Lord, nor Confider. J Your beaft dotb not take hi~ ,-pro– -vender robe naug~t for him, and rather choofe t.o ·be· ~lthmu: . it;. . And yge. .arc .rPo.rfe ·tbm beaft..s .in y~>Ur_dealmg _wlth tdhe · · _. Lor ~ ~