P.u:t 11. :A. Saint ·or ·aBrtJte. 189· Lord: and when ne bath prO'Vided you a Chrifl: , a Gofpel, Teachers , _and holy Ordinances, even the precioufcfi things in the world, you' untbankfully refufe them, yea and rep!o_ach them. af.ld take them to be naught for )OU, and fay that tt ts t 0 ng ~f them that the world is fo bad! 0 horrid ingratitude! when roiferab\e fouls are in the captivity of fin and Satan, and within a fe'>Y fieps ofcverlafiing fire; the God of Mercy fends his Son, his Word, and Minifiers, to help them onr, and fet therh free, and fave them fromHell b~:fo_re it be too late ; and what entert~inment have they.! They arc reviled by thefe wretches ~s if they· came--to make them worfe, and do them a mifcbief, ~nd , not to fave them ! Righteous is the Lord that condemneth fuch · as would not be faved , and .as took falvacion for an in jury. And juft were God, if he fuould take away the Gofpd, and his Miniflers and his people, from fo \:lnthankful and unworthy age- · neration as· this that are weary of them, and fay they are the treublers rJj the _wBrld,and thin,k tha·t they do them more hurt then Good; and as the Gadarens by Chrifi, dejire him to depart out of their coq.fts, Matth.8.34· Be content a wh.ile, tmwonhy fouls ! You{hall not long be troubled with a Chrifl:, or with the Go- - f.pel, or with Preaching, or w-ith Prayi-ng, or wirh ·the company of rbefe precife people; that you fo ·rnMch difiike.- Sleep onbut a few nights more,- and p~fs ·on but a few dayes further, and you {hall come-· to a place -before you look for it , where you iliall never· have their company more, and where you {hall be out of the reach of Pre11ihing, and PrayinJ,and Hvlimfs, and. of Hope. And in rhe mean-time, were ir not for the fakes of rhofe · whom God will -convert and fave, this troublefome Gojpd and Holy people fuould be taken from you, and given to a people that will be more thankful ·and more fru itful , becaufe you pwt it from you .and have j udged your felvrs unWorthy ()f ever111-flin·g life, AEft I 3. 46. Matth• .2 I. 41. No thanks to you that Enj!,laNd is not lik~ the Indians, and as miferable -as you would have it. . · 1 I. And why fubuld we believe you whenwe fee that JO'II judge Elt"n contrarily for your bodies, then yo-u do for your feuls ? · I '– have never heard any of you · fay, [ It w& never good -world fince our land WIU fruitful! , and fince fo m11ch corn came to the the-markp; It wtU a better world when men had nothing but roots to;f~edon. ) And yet would you be-beJievecl, when you fay that Bb -3_.; , it_