r94 ASAilft or A I1'Hfe~ . Part n.- ' pray that the N t4me of God may be HaOoweJ, ~na ku Kingam~ ceme, _aHd hu ~illbe done , yea even as it ~ dont in Hraven ? And yer wd! you fay with the fame mouth, that it w.u never a ~od world fince G~dJ .nifme was H.tllowed, and fince his Kingdr;m ~as #1-dvanced, and his La'WJ fo much regarded, and his Wilt obeyed! 0 hypo-crites! Is this you~praying land do you look (uch prayr:r fhonld he accepted, whtch yoe hate :!lnd fpeak againft your fel~es ? You pray that you may not be led into Tempti!ition, b1:1t debveredfrom evil ! and yet you run into temp~ation and take that Evil tO be G(Jod. How oft hare I heard men,'when the Commandments haveheel'! repeated, which require us to taks the Lordonly fo;· fJJJr GrJd, and not to tal:! hu Name in vain, and to Remem6er to kftp holy tbe Sabbath day, to joyn to it as their pr~yer, [Lordhav1 mercy upon UJ , and encli11e our hearts to kfep thtJ L4w J and when they corn~! home, revile thofc p:!ople that ~re willing to k.fep it, ~nd that will not tak_e Gods Name in fntin, '-'n-d forbear the ~eeping holy of hiJ day , as they do thernfel res. Etther give over profeffing the Cbriitian Bdief, and ufing the Lords Prayer, and praying that you may kftp the' Comm~Zndments (if God, or elfe give ov-er reviling thofe that do it. Ei·ther fay plainly that you are HeathenJ and noCbriftiam ; or elfc never Jay, that aChrifiian Life is hurtft$/ to the WJrld, nor make it the matter of yoar reproa,h. 18. And I mnil needs fav that 1 am the more affured that your wordsagainD: Religion arefalfe, becaufe I k.,now tbat they pluzfe t beDevil, who u the Fathtr ef !yes ; and If re j uft f uch tU he Would ha11e you Ifiea~, and wuuld Ifie~k. him/elf if he had but liberty, andbu appearancr woHtd n9t marr bu caufe. When thou art rail– ing at Godlinefs, and faying that this Religion is the trouble of the world, and that th~ fervants of Chrifl: are but :~. · company of bmue hypocrites, jNft fo WcJuld the Devil h>ive thee f}ellk.,. l can prove it ful)y from the Scripturu and from his N atnre and de– jigns. You could not fpeak more ~greeab!y ~o his mind. If he had hiredyou, andwritten down every word whtch he would have you fpeak, you could ~ot more punctually obey him. Do you pleld axainfl Holinefs, and for acarele{s and ungodly life ~ Do you de– fp ifc therighteom, and jufti.fie the wick!d ? (uft fe would ~he Devil have you do. If he flood by yuu an~. pr(Jmpted yon ( astn~ deed he doth , though you do not .know tt ) thofe are the very - wordsthat h~ would ~aveyotafay. !~4-~~~ YJ~~~ he i~ CDmpdl:~~