Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

part 11~ 'A Sain_t or aJJruu; 19> the De'11il himfelf fpeakcth better then you :· · as in ADs I 6.- 1 7. he faith, [ Thefe mm are the fe~vants of the moft high God, 1J9hicl1 fhew 1 mto 1U the way ~~ falva~~~n J Thefe 6etter W11rds then yours : But when he ts left to himielf, and fpeaketh of his own , he fpeaketh jufl: as you do : and tball we believe yo1:1 when the Devil fets you on, and yot.I fpeak the words of the lying fpiril ? 19. And I the lefs believe you, when you fay that !he world il _ the wGr[e for Prtaching and Religi~ufnefs , becaufe I k.._rww from whence this comes. Yo/4 t~k..e that to /;e the befl, that u the warft; and that tohetheworjf, thflti4indeedthehj}. You judge afrer the fldh, and take thofe for the be!l: ti~es when you have moft pro– fperity, and may fin with leafl: contradiCtion and molelhtion, and be leaft troubled in your fenfual courfe. Thefe arc pur goQd. daies, which wife men know tobe Jour flavery and mitery. It is never agood werldwith you, when your confc:!enccs are troubled, and your fores are lanc;ed, and Satan cannot keep his garrifon in peace ; and when you cannot be permitted t0 drink, and fwear, and game, and revell without con trolL And i.f this be your goud -world, I had rather have a prifon or a p.air of flo,ks with Chrift ~tnd the Gr;fpel which you defpife, and with themeAns and hopes of the world to come, then to haveyourgooll world, which is but the quieteft paf~ge to damnation. You are not yet to be believed : Hay till you fee the end, and what comes of it, and then tell us whichwa5 thegoodworld. .zo. Lafi1y, if all this will not ferve, I will filen(e you and 1harne you, if you haw·e any 1hame lefc. If Rt!igi~n and fo mt~d! ferving of God do make the world worfe, and thofe b·e the wodt times where there is mofl of thefe , then Heaven would be worfe then Earth or Hell, even the -wer/f place in ll!l the world. For no place bath fo much Holinefs as Heaven. Nowhere is there fo much ado about the Praife and Service of God , u there is in Htaven. There they do nothing elfe but that which you revile, a~d tha t in highefl fgrvour and ptrfeDion. They F.jf not day or mgh.t fayi14g, Holy,Holy,H()ly,Lord God Almighty ,which W;u,and i.s, ~nd ut~ come,Rr:v.4. 8. Dofl: thouknow the man onearcn rb01c is mollprecife, and holy, and diligent for God ? Why th~ lowe.ft of the Saints in Heaven go quite beyond him. .And in good hd– ncfs, doft thou take He;~.ven to be the wvrft pl.tce? and th ini\ that fo much Hvlimfs will make it troub!efom? 13ear witnefs then Cc 2 againll: