r9·6 A SAint or 4 Brute. P I an ·r. againfl: thy fdf, Out of thy own mouth a.rt thou condemned. How canfi thou expe:d: to be admitted intoHeaven, that takefi it for fo bad a place? Thou teachejt God to thrufl:-tl1ee back,and fay to the~, Be gem ; here is nothing but Holine{1 , ~hichyou could not abscfe: Yoflt foal/ go to 11. piMt wbtre lteligion 11nd Holinefs jlia/1. not troubleyou; . Well Sirs, Confider now as men ofReafon,of aH thefe twenty ·. Reafons which I have given you, and then tell me, whether that be not the better worldJ and the beEter foul,. where there is moft Faithand Holincfi•. C'H AP. V l• .. llolinefs is theonly WAJ of SAfety~ I Have proved to you that H~linefs is heft for Common·wedlthl; and.given you many General undenya.hle evidenc.es, to prove that it is Bcfifor ~tit men inparticular : I fhall now come to the p,~trticu/~r evidences, acd £hew youwher-ein it is that it is Beft for aft men. · There are· ~J,ree forts ofGood that men have to look.after. . The firfl: is the fecurity of their Life ana Being ; the fecond is their mor.:tl weH-being ; and the Ehircl is, their Natural wdl-Pting. This !ail <ilfo is divided into thr.ec bran£hcs:, :&nd.confifleth in our Profit, oar Honour, and our Pleafure. So tha.t here are five fever a! for-ts of Gj()dne(s to be conGdere.d of; and you wi!l tind that Holinefs ,is Beft, beyond all co~pari- _ fon, in each refpect.. 1. In refpe& of Safety., 2. ln pomt.os Honefly. 3. In poim: of Gain. 4· In point of Honour. And, 5·· In point of Pleafure or Delight. If I prove not every one of thefe, then cell ·roe; I promifed more then I could perform . : B.uc if l do prove Ehem, I look that.you that Read it, ihould.prom1fe prefently to come in to God,.ancl aHoly life, . and faithfully per-: form it. . · r. And that HOL1N ESS IS THE SAFE ·S ·T W. 'A T, I prove rhus• . I. That man is in a (afer flare that is de~ iv.eredfrom.the power 9f Satan . 1 then he ~hat is in his bondage ;. · - · - ·· · · and. .•