Part II. A SAint or ABrute; and taken captiveby him at his will.· Bat all the unfand:ified are in this captivity, and ~ll the fanctified are delivered out of it; a 5 the·scripture moil: expreily tells us, Ephef. 2. J, z, 3. [And youh.1th he quick.fned, wbfJ w_ere trefpaf{es a~~ fins; wherei11 in time pa~ ye ~tccordt·n .. ~ trJ the courfe of ths.r warld, ~tccording to the Prinee of the Power of t he<air , the Spiri,t thrtt now work:: eth m the children of difvbtdienee: among whom we alfr; had uur converfarion in times paft, iN the tufts of our ~efh, fuijilling the defires of the ~'efh, 11nd of the mil4d, &c. ] So 2·Tirn. 2. 25, 26~ [Inmeek.!zefs inftrufling thrJ{c that oppof~ them(elve.r, ifGod ;;– vmture will give them repentance to the a6/ of the truth, and that they WMJ recover themfelves out of th-e fn,p,re d the Devil, who are ta~en c.tptive by him at his will. J And Ads 26; ._ I 7, I 8. [ I fe~d thee to open their eyes, a1.1d tHrn the• from dar.'<_– nefs to light, ~tndfrem the p~Wer of Sttt~w unto God.}. And Col. 1. I 3. [Who hath delivered us from th~ power of dark._nefs , and b~ttb trttn~ated us into the J(ingdom of hi:r de~tr Son.] 5at<ln is the Ruler and the {a;l.Jr of the ungodly, that leaded~ them to Gn,and fo to ddl:ruction, and keepeth them for torments at the day of · wrath. And is hef.;t(e thac is in the Devils power ? If he fhould tt?fellr to thee, _and layhold of thee ·, thou·wouldil not think that thouwcrefaft. But his pojfrJ!ion of thy foul is far more d<rPJger– oris. Thou doflnot'believe that thou art in his power : But thy blindnefr fh·eweth it; and thy enmity to the way of Holinef~ fhewcth ic ; and thy ur;gfldly life doth fully fuew·-it ; and the Scriprureaffi'hneth·· it of allluG:h : and whac need there any fur-·· tl:ier preof ? But the janfli~ed are all ddivered from-·this ih:... very ; and·thour,h theD~vil may rage againJl thcm,..he .iliall no5 prevail. · 2. Moreover, thofcthat are · v~ited to}e{us Chrift~· andare be+ · come the \i.ving Members of his Body , are certainly fafe.r then ~ho~e that are yet ftrangerJ ro him,. and have no f~c~al - imcrefl: 1n ·turn .: Bur all that are'[anEHfied are thus lilnited-·tO Chrifr, .and made hts members : and all the un[anflifted have no part in hi~:Q• Hl that haththe s~n hxth life, and he that hath mt the Sen ·hath not· life, I John 5. I 2. [John I). 6; 7, 9(IO. If a m~n #~bide not in · me'> be i1 caft forth M~ liranch, awd is Withered, and- mm gather ~hem, anl caft then~ into the fire, and they are burnu1., If- ye abide mme, and r»J words ahide in_you,ye jh.1/l aslz wh.zt ye will, t~nd ~~ fo>~ll be done unto yvu. 4J tln·F ~t't her hMh loved me, fo.hllve Il (Jvcd . ~ , _3., r!4:':.;; {