Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

.,4 .Part U.' )~~ ; CQntinJtf in 111J [6Ve. Jj ye k_,tep ?tJ) commandrrJents, ye foal/ llbJde in my love : J Tee are my friends if ye do whatfeever 1 commttnd you, v. 14.] Eph. 5· 2), 26, 27, 29) 30. [Chrift lo11ed the ChtJ.rcl:utnd him/elf for it, that he might f anilifie ~tnd clean[e it, with the wafoinK ~f water, by the werd : thttt he might prefent it t1l hiwfelf a gloriom Church, ntJt having /pot or "t:Prinkje, tJr any f uch _thing, but that it fhould be holy and with... o11t blemifo. No man ever h11.ted hiuwn fi e/h, but nor~ri./beth and. cheri/heth it, even t1f the Lord the Church, F()r We ttre Membe rs of his Body, ~fhuP,e/h, and ef huhones.] Judgeby rnefe paffages whether the fandified are not fafe. Ifthe Love of _Chrifi, and his Merits, and his Power cannot ke:ep them fafe, then nothing can. If the Saviour cannot favt them, none can. Is n0t the very fl ejh of Chrift fafe 1 are not the members of his B9dJ fafe ? are not his friends, his /pou-fe and bef~ved fafe ? If Chrift cffn fave m, we are fafe. For who can t:onquer him ? Or who can tiik_e m out ef hu· lumds? John 10.28. lfheheforr-u,Whofba!lbeagainflr-u? and if he}uflifie m, lvho foall condemn H.s ? Rom. 8. 33, 34, 35· · Btu is it fo with the ungodly? No : they have no part nor lot in this matter, but are in thegall of /Jitternefs andbond of iniquity, · becaufe their heart iJ not right in the (.ght ef G@d,Aet 8. 2 I ,23. 3.Moreover, he that ha~h cjcdpedthe Curfe ef the Law,and bath bi!i fins forgiven him, and is juftified from all things that could by the Law be charged on him, is fllju then he that is under the Curfe, and bath all his fins yet lying on his foul; But the firft: of thefc is certainly the cafe of the fandified, and the other of the unfanttified, Gal. 3. I o, I 3. AJ rmmy as are of the work! of the . La'W are under the Curfe : fir it is Written, CPtrfd u e'tlery ~ne that r:oxtimeeth not inail things that are written in the boek,_ of the Law to d{) them. Chrift hath redeemed us fro'm the eurfe of the LaW~ being m~i~de ll Curfe for us] Rom.3 .2 j. For 11/l have ji11Jned and ccme foort of the glory of God] And M.~rk._4. I2. fhews: that the tmeonvertetl have not their fins forgiven them.] Joh. 3. I 8. He thllt believetl? on him is not condemned, but he tht! t bclievcth nst u condemned a!ren.dy ] And ACt. 26. 18, To open tbeir tyes, and turn them from durk.!zefs tiJ light, and from the power of Satan ft xto God l. that they may re– ceive fvrg ivemf s of (im, t~nd ~m in hcrz~tance am~ng ~hem that are fanctiftedby f ai th thM is in r,m.) Rom. 8. I. Tmreu no c~ndem· n~ttim