Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part 11.· n11tion to them tbat ltre in Chri{t re/«4, thai walk.. not after the fiefo bHt aftrr the spirit J Abundance more fuch paffages of holy Scripture clo affiare ws that all the un{anCfifted are smpardoned, and aLl the f•mElifi(d are Juftified, and delivered from the Curfe. And which of thefe are in the ftl{er flare? Did on~ of youowe ten thoufand pounds more t~en he were worth, or had you committed twenty known felomes ·or mur– ders, would you think your felvesfafe, wicho!ltapArion? Wou~d you not be looking behind you, and afraid of al!mofi: every man yoH fee,lefl: he came to apprehend you? Owhat a cafe is that man in that hath fo many thotafands fins to anfwer for? and bath furh a load of guilt t1pon his foul? and fo many r~rrible rhre:atnings of the ·Law in force ~gainft him ? Do you n?t fear every hour, iefl: death arreA: you, ancl bringyou to the pnfon of the bottornkfs pit? But the fancbf.ied is delivered from this danger. A Jhou– fand fins indeed were againft us; but we have a pardon of them all to fhew. In Chrifl: we have Redemp-tion threugh his blootA, the forgivenefs of fins, Col. I. 14. The Iznv bath nothing now againit us: and therefore we are fafe . · 4· Thofe are f4er that are delflrly bt!o'Yed fJf the Lord, and re~ conci/ed tohim, and taken for his Children, then thofe thtc are his Enemies, andhated by him, and under hi& difp!eafs~re. Butt mofi Certainly the former is the ihte of all the f~tnCiified, and the later is the flate oftheungodly. . . Youfhall feebothinthe words of God. Pfal. 5·4, 5· Thou art not .4 God that bathpleafure in wickfdnefs ; neither fh•dl evil dwell with thee ; The fooiifo fhail net ftand in thy fight : tkou· httttft all tbe work.frs of iniquity.] Pfal. 7· 10, I I. My Defence u .of G~d which fa7:Jeth th~ upright in heftrt : God judgeth the F.tghteeus ; a~d God.uangry with the Wick!d every. day'.] Pfal. 45. 7· Thou loveft nghteeufnefs, and hateft wick!dr.;efs.] Luk., . 19. l7. Thofe mine enemies that would not I fhould raign over them, 6ring them hither, and flay them before me. J Ephef. · 2. 3• We were 6y n:tture the chitdyen- of "liVrath. J A bun.. · dr~d more fuch places, fhew you the fiate of the unf;;~n-, .cbfifd. - . Btu howdiffaent is the cafe of the renewed upright f01al ?· 2C~r.6.16,17, I~L [Yee · ~re the Temple of the living God: tU G_od hvub {11id I wit! dwelt in them, a11d wnlk in them, and 1 'W~/1 be their God, 11nd they jh_;all ~-et»J peep/~ ~ lf~~refore come 1/JPit;