't,oci .AS4tnt-or 1t Brutt. Pare II. 6 ut from nmong them, and be ye fep ~r.tte , f aith the"Lord, etnd touch not the unclean thing, and 1will recei'Ve yrm, and will be a Father Unto you, andye /h~ttl be my fans and daughters f.tith the Lord ..Almighty.] J.oh. I. n. Blft M "''m} Ifs recei'Vtd him, to them gave he power to becfJme the fonJ of God. J Rom. 8. I 6, I 7· The (pirit it felfbeareth witnefs with our fpirit, that 'We 11re the childre·n of 'God: And if {hildren then heirs, heirs of God ~rnd joynt heirs with Chrifl . ] Mal. 3. I 7· .And they /hall be min; fait~ the Lord of hofts in that day when I mPlk.._e upmy Je'Wels i and J W11/ spare them M a 11Mn [pareth hu own fon th:~t fervah him. J Heb:8.I 2. ]:wilt be mernfa/ to their unrighteoufnefs, and their fins and their iniquitierwiO 1 remember no more.] Col. I .z I ,22. [A.:d J{)U tha~ werefometime alienated and enemies in )BUr mind1&y wick._– tdworkJ, yet now h£t h he reconciled, iJIJ the ~ody ofhu fiefo through aeath, f{) prefentyou holy an·d un~lauwl.b/e, llnd u_nreproveablc in his .fi~;ht.] PfaL 32. I, 2. ·Blef{ed Mhe whofe tranfgreflirm u forgiven, whf>[eji» i.J CO'Vered; blejfed u the man to 'Whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity , and in wbcfe [piri~ there is nD guile.] Zech. 2. 8. He that touchethyou, toucheth the ~tpple of mine eye.] Judge nowby thefe plain upreffions form the Lord, \vho it is that is in the f.afer fiate;tfle godly er the ungodly. Is he the fflfcr that is hatedby the Gocl ofheaven,or he that is mofi dearly lo\red by him?·He that ·is under his difpleafure, or ,be rhat is his delight ? Why man ! if God be againfi thee, thou art no·where[afe? not in the lhongefi Cafile! not in,the greatdt Army ! not in the highefl: t!igniry ·! not in :the merryefi company ! Th~u ·knowefl: not but a Commiffion is gone -out for de~ tb to !hike thee in thy next recre:u i0n, .orfit of mirrh ? How knowen rhou -but dea rh is rc:ady to !hike, \11·hile thou art eating,or drinking, or ulking,or fleeping? Thou -hafi no Jecuriry from an .angry God. T1ll he be reconciled, thou art nowhere {a.fe ! Th1s may be thy fatal day or night for ought thou knowetl. And if once the morra.l blow be firuck and rh.y foul be t~ken from thy body unrenewed, 0 man wh:re then wilt thou appear! 0 wonderful ilLJpidiry ! rnat thG; dofi not ear t~lY bread in tear, and do thy work in fear, and ileep in fear , and live in fear, till tho1:1 b~ fancti~ed! · .., But to the foul that bath God for h1s fecunry, what can be dangerous? or w1 at ~?·ndition ( wl1 ile ·he keep~ d~fe t.?God) ean be unfafe ?TheFtttJ;rr that g~t'Ve us untoCbrift, ugre~ter t'hen ail, andnp 1'1Mn.·c.:f/'J til/(c'fS~ ut of bk hands, Job. ~·0. 28, 29. Con- . ·.. . qtJer '' '·:.'4 ,; .